Monday, 4 March 2013

A Trip to Skegness :)

I have to admit up until three years ago I had never been to Lincolnshire, possibly the biggest county in the country! As it's not a 'through route' to anywhere I had been before, I just hadn't ever visited. But when I started going out with my boyfriend that all changed! He's from the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Lincolnshire and his family still live there. It's lovely actually, most of his family and extended family all live with 20 minutes of each other, which means they see loads of each other. I had never had that growing up my extended family are all over the country, I lived in the Midlands and they all lived in Cambridge, Bristol, Oxford and Devon. So a lot of the time we only saw them twice a year, summer and Christmas! So it's lovely seeing my boyfriend's family being so close and they've lived there for so long they know everyone and everything that's going on! I love going to visit them because they do live in the middle of nowhere, it always feels like all the stress and worry of the real world disappear and that nothing can reach you! It's very theraputic :)

We visited his family this weekend, which included a trip to Skegness! This is the second time I've been there and it's everything you'd want from a typcial seaside location. There are LOADS of amusments, arcades, cheap shops, ice-creams (a '99 Flake' ice-cream is ACTUALLY 99p! I've not been anywhere else that they are that cheap anymore!), fish and chips, crazy golf, candyfloss, donkeys and hot doughnuts - a childhood seaside haven! We arrived there at about 3pm, so the sun was starting to go down but it had been a lovely sunny day on Saturday there.

Some snaps I took over this weekend.....

Did you do anything nice this weekend?

Have you been to Skegness?

Feel free to leave me a comment below, I love hearing what you think :)



  1. I actually love Skegness. It's dirt cheap, and we noticed they cheekily sell Vodka win ;)

    The Simple Life of Emma

  2. Aye it's had little money spent on it...I mean what other holiday spot's main view is an old sewer pipe to a long gone pier theatre...
    I still go for the air and poundshops, deli's and beach.


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