If you ever have a spare 5 minutes (that will turn into a couple of hours...you've been warned!) then browsing the notonthehighstreet website needs to be done! It's an absolute haven of high quality, luxury and unique gifts suitable for everyone. I've been known to spend hours simply browsing their website. Did I have anyone to buy for? Nope. Did I plan on buying anything? Nope. Did I actually buy anything? Yep. It's THAT kind of website.
I've also been lucky enough to receive quite a number of gifts from notonthehighstreet, mainly from Tom! Including a personalised pillow about when we fell in love, pearl earrings, 'My Side' 'Your Side' pillowcases - just to name a few. If any of your loved ones are struggling for gift inspiration for you this year, send them to the notonthehighstreet website - you're guaranteed a lovely present :)
There are so many personalised gifts on their website that you really can give such a thoughtful present without having to spend hours browsing the whole internet!

(Frame not included - it's from IKEA for £5)
There are so many personalised gifts on their website that you really can give such a thoughtful present without having to spend hours browsing the whole internet!

(Frame not included - it's from IKEA for £5)
I've chosen this personalised vintage inspired typewriter print* (£11) in a medium size for my cousin. She loves anything vintage inspired and we have a couple of those 'in' jokes that only we find funny and they're always bought up at Christmas time. The first quote relates to a time when as a joke my cousin took my last roast potato off my plate at Christmas one year and put it on her plate. I could have stolen it back but she had had meat and as a vegetarian I then couldn't eat it :( It's been a running joke every time we have roast potatoes now. The second quote is something my cousin said to me when I was 7 and she was 14. We were both so confused - we just couldn't understand why I was half of her age but I wasn't all the time. It puzzled us for a long time!

This contemporary personalised bike notebook* (£9) is for another cousin who absolutely LOVES cycling. He has been at university for about 7 years (no exaggeration) and had a couple of years living in Peru in between the university courses. He's currently studying for a PhD - so soon he actually will have to leave education. But however small his uni room is, he always finds space for his bike! When he lived in Peru he loved going cycling along the salt plains for hours and hours and hours, so since being back in the UK he's continued cycling across our beautiful British countryside frequently. This bike notebook can be completely personalised, there is a blue ladies bike you can also choose. I decided to use the words they had on the website as I thought they were perfect for him! He can use this notebook to write down places he'd like to discover on his bike or simply for to-do lists.

This Ceramic Bird Trinket Holder* (£7) is absolutely perfect for my auntie, who has the nickname 'Sparrow'! My auntie also loves jewellery, she's wears some gorgeous, precious jewellery pieces all the time, so now she'll have somewhere apt to keep them. I'm not sure what type of bird is on top of this trinket holder but I've decided it's a sparrow, I'm looking forward to explaining the thought behind this present to my auntie.

My Dad LOVES anything spicy, the spicier the better! I'm a wimp when it comes to spice, I can't handle anything more than a korma, so when I go to my Dad's for dinner my poor taste buds often take a big hitting of spice. You would have thought I'd have more of a resilience by now! When I saw this World's Hottest Chilli Powders in a Matchbox by Marvling Bros Ltd* (£5) I knew my Dad would love the challenge! There are 4 of the tiniest, cutest little pots you'll ever see, full of 4 of the hottest chilli's in the world. They're all presented in a standard size matchbox. You also get little fact cards about each chilli, just so you know what your letting yourself in for! It's such a unique idea, infact Marvling Bros Ltd do a whole range of matchboxes, including Spice Rack, Aromatherapy Pamper Kit, Spa Gift Set, Men's Grooming Kit and Good Luck Chocolate Gift. All of which are available on the notonthehighstreet website. I usually give my Dad a stocking, so this fiery gift will be making it's way into his stocking this year.

(Frame not included - it's from IKEA for £6)
I think we all have somewhere we hold close to our hearts for whatever reason. My Grandparents had a caravan at Lowestoft for all of my life but unfortunately we had to get rid of it a couple of years ago as the caravan was just too old. My brothers and I grew up going on holiday there, consequently it holds a lot of special family memories that we all treasure. We always used to do the same things when we were there, it was such a comforting holiday. Since getting rid of the caravan I've visited again once with Tom and my brother has recently been back for a short break. It's just not the same without the caravan though. I thought this Personalised Beach Huts Print* (£15) would be perfect for my brother because Lowestoft also had brightly coloured beach huts that we used to rent when we were younger. I had it personalised simply with the word 'Lowestoft', as just that word brings back so many happy memories :)

My baby niece Daisy is growing so quickly, I can't quite believe she's already 6.5 months and sitting up all by herself! It's been amazing to watch her grow up and develop so quickly. It will be lovely next Christmas when she can appreciate what is going on a lot more but as this is her first Christmas it is an important one still. When I spotted this adorable 5cm wooden baby polar bear personalised Christmas decoration* (£3.45) I knew it would be the perfect present for Daisy. It's personalised with her name and it's even more ideal because everyone calls her 'Daisy Bear'! You can also get adult polar bears, so you could also get a whole family of polar bears - one for each member of your family.
What's your favourite item from the notonthehighstreet website?
Feel free to leave me a comment - I love reading every single one :)
What's your favourite item from the notonthehighstreet website?
Feel free to leave me a comment - I love reading every single one :)

This is so unbelievably beautiful I'd find if hard to pick a favourite! Love the frame & the cycle book though, gorgeous xx
I love Not On The High Street for gifts... It's always nice to receive a gift that is a bit more personal, don't you think? From your selection of gifts I really like the trinket holder... I may just have to take a 'browse' of the site now!
Bits & Bobs