Tuesday, 29 April 2014

HOLIDAY: Travelling to Florida and Robbie's

If you follow me on Twitter (@Treasure_E_M) or Instagram (treasure_e_m) then you might have noticed I was lucky enough to go on holiday to Florida with my lovely family for the past two weeks. I have visited America a couple of times but never so south, so I was excited to explore another area of such a fantastic country. We flew from Heathrow to Toronto first and then onto Fort Lauderdale in Florida with Canada Air. Flying via another place is a great way of reducing flight costs for long haul flights, you can save hundreds so definitely look into it as an option if you book a longer flight! After a slight worry that one of my brother's wouldn't be able to get on the flight (airlines book too many seats on every plane they have, with the thought that someone won't turn up. Unfortunately one of my brothers had a ticket without a seat number, which means you have to go to the gate to see if there are any spare seats - talk about stressful! Luckily he did get on the flight and our holiday could start all together). From Fort Lauderdale the drive to our villa was about 3 hours, it was on the Florida Keys. If you want turquoise sea, white sand, palm trees and sunshine, then Florida Keys is the place for you! Key West, at the bottom of the Florida Keys, is the most southern point of America so you can very close to the Caribbean. There are a lot of influences from Cuba and Mexico - including the food, language and style.

On our first day we visited Robbie's - quite the tourist attraction on the Keys. It was heaving and every time we passed it throughout the holiday it was really busy. You could see Tarpon fish and Pelicans, the fish were an incredible size but lets be honest, I was mostly enjoying the stunning views!

Feel free to leave me a comment - I love reading every single one :)


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