Wednesday, 29 October 2014

SKINCARE: Superdrug Mini Massage Mitt

I have seen these mini massage mitts around quite a lot recently (Soap and Glory do one for £4), so when I found one in Superdrug for only 25p I made the purchase. The idea is this mitt helps to massage your skincare products further into your skin, for that deep cleaned feeling. A good idea for that deep cleanse its good to do once a week but I don't think I'd be bothered to add this to my eye make-up remover, cleanser, toner, moisturiser and primer routine every day. For me, it's a step too far but I never have been one for being particularly disciplined when it comes to skincare routines.  

However, I do like using this mitt to stimulate circulation in my face. I actually found this worked really well for sorting out my skin if I had breakouts. I don't know the science of it but I presume having more blood flowing around my face (how gross does that sound?!) helped the breakouts.

I found that this mitt also works well for removing fake tan from a targeted area. During the summer I wear fake tan most days but after a while it can build up in areas and they need a bit of an extra scrub. This carefully removed the fake tan without being harsh on my skin, perfect for my neck area. Does anyone else HATE anything touching their neck? I literally can't handle it! If a top is too close to my neck I'll spend the whole day yanking it away from neck!
The bristles are really soft and flexible, they certainly aren't scratchy in the slightest.

Do you use a mini massage mitt? Can you think of any other uses for the mitt?

Feel free to leave me a comment :)

Helen x 


1 comment

  1. Oh my god you found one of the best bargains ever thats fab x


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