Tuesday, 24 March 2015

PREGNANCY: A pillow that makes third trimester just THAT bit more comfortable

If there is one thing I've learnt during the third trimester of pregnancy, it's just how uncomfortable it can be at times. I'm certainly not moaning, my body is growing another human being, it's going to be uncomfortable but it doesn't mean I don't want to try and get comfortable! The worst time of the day has become going to bed, despite being so tired I was struggling to sleep with my bump and back pains. The pregnancy pillow I was using had lost it's shape during my second trimester and was no longer supporting my growing body. So when I was kindly send the Theraline Original Maternity and Nursing Pillow* (£44.95 from John Lewis) to try out I had every hope it would work miracles and allow me to get comfortable at night. I'm so pleased to say I wasn't let down, I've been using it at night for the past 3 weeks and have been so much more comfortable, allowing me to sleep all through the night. If you're currently pregnant or have been in the past, you'll know what a luxury that is!
The pillow is 190cm long, so it's longer than I am tall, which I'm sure helps with getting comfortable. The size of this pillow is both a positive and slight negative, it helps you to get comfortable but the size makes it hard to store anywhere. Just something worth baring in mind, I just keep it in my bed at the moment.
The Theraline Original Maternity and Nursing Pillow is filled with little beads, which help support you in whichever position you find comfortable and ensures it won't lose it's shape like my other pregnancy pillow has. The multifunctional aspect of this pillow makes it further appealing, as it can be used for supporting your baby during breastfeeding and for when they start sitting up.
You can get a wide range of covers for the pillow, definitely worth while if you plan to use it for breastfeeding and/or supporting your baby sitting up. I actually ordered the rose microplush pillow cover you can see in these photo's separately (£11.97 from amazon), just so I had a further layer that was easy to wash for when I want to start using it for breastfeeding.
If you're currently looking for a pregnancy/nursing pillow then I'd highly recommend checking out the Theraline Original Maternity and Nursing Pillow, which is available from John Lewis, NCT shop, amazon, Mothercare and Boots to name a few places.

How do/did you get comfortable during the third trimester?

Feel free to leave me a comment :)

Helen x


  1. In my first pregnancy I had a mahoosive pillow that we named the 3rd person in our marriage because it took up so much room in our bed!! This time I was ok sleeping but I still use my theraline for feeding. Those beads are fab :) hope you get more sleep love xx


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