I've always been curious about yoga, it sounds so relaxing yet strengthening and anything that improves my flexibility is a good thing. We had a relaxation day at work last year and there was a chance to either do dance or yoga - I jumped at the opportunity to do yoga! I found is much harder than I thought I would, I just didn't have the core strength. Then when I went to my booking appointment at 9 weeks pregnant I saw an advert at the hospital for pregnancy yoga. I was intrigued, presuming that pregnancy yoga wouldn't be as hard as I had found yoga.

Weeks past by and I didn't sign up to a class - moving house has been a massive distraction and made attending any classes a lot harder. As my back has generally been quite achy during this pregnancy I kept telling myself to find a local pregnancy yoga class and attend it, as it is supposed to be good for strengthening your back. Did I though? I'm afraid not. Time, location and travelling have all been hindering me, but then I was sent the Pregnancy Bliss Relaxation Yoga CD* by MamaBabyBliss (£12.99).

An audio CD that includes a range of tools to help strengthen your body and mind for a healthy pregnancy and to support/prepare you for birth. If you find visualising spoken instructions then the booklet included in this CD shows you what you should be doing for the yoga sections. However the CD isn't solely focused on yoga, instead it covers a range of topics including:

An audio CD that includes a range of tools to help strengthen your body and mind for a healthy pregnancy and to support/prepare you for birth. If you find visualising spoken instructions then the booklet included in this CD shows you what you should be doing for the yoga sections. However the CD isn't solely focused on yoga, instead it covers a range of topics including:
Breathing techniques for labour
Exercises to build flexibility in the hips
Positions for early labour and birth
Yoga to strengthen the mind and body
Exercises with a yoga birthing ball
Daily relaxation and visualisation
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pregnancy massage techniques for you and your partner
A pretty impressive range of topics for only £12.99!

The woman talking on the CD is extremely relaxing, listening to it almost feels like a meditation session too. I'm not great at switching off and genuinely relaxing, I always seem to be thinking/worrying about something. But while I was listening to this CD I started to really concentrate on me and my baby, noticing the importance I relax for her and using it as a bonding session with my bump. I think I'm going to pop this CD into my hospital bag, so that I can listen to it while in hospital (might have to dig out the classic Walkman CD player!) during labour. Tom has also listened to it, specifically the massage section as massage can be a really effective way of reducing labour pains, as well as general aches and pains during pregnancy.
Did you try pregnancy meditation and/or yoga?
Feel free to leave me a comment :)
Helen x
I'm not allowed to do yoga but I *have* done antenatal classes in both relaxation and massage and they were great - I came out of both of them feeling much more relaxed about the labour. Hope we're both able to put these techniques to use!