Friday, 19 June 2015

10 THINGS: I cannot leave the house with now I have a baby!

Oh how times have changed. My life no longer consists of grabbing my randomly filled handbag as I leave the house, I'm now grabbing a changing bag which has been packed with thought and precision. Every parent will know that leaving the house with a baby or child in tow is no easy task. It takes planning, preparation and packing of your changing bag - the three p's. I've now been a Mummy for over 10 weeks, so I've got what I need for a little baby down to a fine art.
We're getting quicker at leaving the house and keeping my changing bag packed with the baby essentials. Here are my top 10 things I take out with me, wherever we're going... 
1) Muslin clothes - It's incredible how many uses one piece of material can have. I always carry two or three in my changing bag, especially as it's hot at the moment. I'll use them for providing shade in the pram, clearing up spillages/sick, as a mini picnic blanket on the floor, subtle breastfeeding cover, on the base of crib so that if Isabella is sick I don't have to change all of the sheets and over my shoulder as a stylish burping fashion accessory! Oh the glamorous world of motherhood. 

2) Bibs - recently Isabella has become a massive dribbler, to the point we thought she was getting teeth at the tender age of six weeks! We're pretty sure she isn't but she is still dribbling loads, we're talking a bib change every hour or so. I therefore have to carry a good supply of bibs with me at all times, which isn't a problem as I love the designs of bibs you can get nowadays. 
3) Sports bottle of water - I'm forever drinking water and having a bottle with a sports cap means I can get a drink one handed. All parents will understand the struggles of one handed life with a baby. 
4) Blistex Intensive Moisturising lip balm - if I don't bring this lip balm out with me my lips become dry and sore almost straight away, it's like they're addicted. It's so moisturising and it takes forever to use a tube up, I'd highly recommend it! 
5) Baby wipes - just like muslin clothes these have so many uses and it's not always for Isabella. I've become so messy since having a baby, I blame the one handed life of being a parent. Baby wipes are ideal for wiping surfaces, hands, faces, spillages (more often than not it's on my already sick covered top) and as a cool compress on a hot babies head. They are also great for a quick wipe/dust around your house, after getting a phone call saying you've got visitors coming in five minutes and there's been no time to have a proper clean. Let's be honest, it happens. 
6) Purse - for obvious reasons. How am I meant to go for tea and cake with the other mummies if I don't have my purse with me?! I have to say, I'm loving the maternity leave lifestyle at the moment. I'm fully aware that when Isabella starts moving around by herself those relaxing coffee dates will quickly become a thing of the past, so I'm enjoying them now. 
7) Phone - mostly for taking adorable pictures of my daughter, you can never have too many photos of your child, right?! 
8) Nappies - boring but a staple. I read somewhere to take enough nappies for every hour you plan to be out, so that's what I do! Although I'd rarely need to change her every hour, it's better to be safe than sorry. 
9) Nappy sacks - again, another multipurpose changing bag item. A lot of essential parent items seem to have many uses, goes well with the ridiculous amount of multitasking parents have to do themselves! Nappy sacks are perfect for putting dirty nappies in (shocking, I know), but also for bagging up dirty/worn clothes, as a mini rubbish bag when having a picnic and keeping anything that may leak, like the little bottles of milk you can get. 
10) Snacks - too often I don't get time to have a proper breakfast, if I'm heading out early (and when I say early, that's anything before 11am!) So I've found keeping a couple of cereal bars in my changing bag really helpful, so I can easily eat them on the go and one handed. 

What are your top 10 things you keep in your changing bag? 

Feel free to leave me a comment :) 

Helen x 

This is my entry for the Pink Lining Ambassador Search.

You Baby Me Mummy


  1. I never have 10 things in my bag. that's the problem. lol if I take a big bag with me I out unnecessary stuff in it.
    So I normally just have wipes, nappies, purse, keys and phone with me.

  2. With a toilet training preschooler and a toddler with food intolerances my bag is MASSIVE! I almost have to take a suitcase every time we go out!

    1. Oh gosh! I'm not looking forward to weaning, as we'll have to take so much more out with us!!

      Helen x

  3. great post for new mums on some of the essentials. I usually have spare clothes, spare dummy, sun hat and sun cream in mine too this heat is ridiculous!!

  4. I never thought of using wet wipes to cool baby down, I'll have to bear that in mind. Now that my baby is older I tend to carry snacks for her (usually rice cakes as they're the least messy snack I've found!), a beaker of water, teething gel and a clean vest and leggings. And I also insist on carrying too many nappies, just in case we're out for longer than planned! #TheList


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