Today there is a very exciting launch happening - Chicco are launching there first ever range of nappies exclusively into Boots stores! You are probably already familiar with the brand Chicco, as they have such a fantastic range of baby products already on the market. Now they've decided to branch out and create a line of nappies that are extra absorbent, super thin and gentle on the skin. The fabric-like breathable lining reduced heat and helps to prevent rashes and irritations, something all parents will know can be a battle sometimes.

Other than supermarket branded nappies there has only really one main brand of nappy available on the market, which hasn't given parents much of a choice. However, Chicco have added a new choice for parents to consider - their Dry fit nappies. This exciting range includes sizes newborn up to size 6, something for everyone. I really like the fact that they come in these large packs, as a new parent I'm quickly discovering quite how quickly we get through nappies. I was reading the 'YOUR BABY week by week' book by Simone Cave and Dr Caroline Fertleman and it said that a baby will averagely use 5000 nappies between being born and potty trained! Therefore it's so important you find the perfect nappy for your baby.

For the past couple of weeks we've been lucky enough to trial the Chicco Dry fit nappies in size 2* (£7.99 for a 50 pack - that's only about 16p a nappy) and we've been so impressed. Since Isabella was born we've tried 3 other different brands of nappies, some have been a disaster (hello major poo leaks and stained vests!) and others have done the job well. What we, and I think most parents, look for in a nappy is that it doesn't leak, is comfortable, not too bulky and reasonably priced. I wouldn't want to put Isabella in a nappy that irritated her skin by not properly absorbing what it should do.

wise I think they are on the smaller side for each size, though I only
have experience of size 1 and 2 nappies. Isabella was 8 weeks old when
we started using the Chicco nappies and she needed size 2. She was
already in size 2 but the Chicco ones didn't come up as high on her
tummy as the ones we had been using before. This isn't a problem, as the
Chicco range goes up to size 6, I just think that she will be onto size
3 nappies quicker than other brands. Just something to consider if you
choose to buy the Chicco nappies from Boots.

The Chicco nappies have been brilliant at absorbing everything it should
do, without irritating the skin at all. In fact Isabella had some slight
redness at the top of her legs, which disappeared when we started using
these nappies.

The nappies feel soft and have a small design on the outside. Personally I prefer a larger design with baby friendly images, such as animals, but really that has no affect on the quality of the nappy. I'm just a sucker for cute designs! However, I do like the fact that it clearly says the size on the front of the nappy. I used to get my old size 1 and current size 2 nappies confused with each other, but there's no chance of that happening with the Chicco nappies.

The nappies have stayed secure despite Isabella's excessive wriggling, she loves to kick her legs! Therefore reducing the risk of leaking and rubbing against her legs.
We were also lucky enough to be sent the Chicco 4Ever Friends Mrs Giraffe Stroller Rope* (£14.99) and Mrs Giraffe 4Ever Friends Rattle* (£6.99), which Isabella has been loving!

We haven't really been using the stroller rope yet because her pushchair doesn't have a bar across her front until she's a bit older. But we have been playing with the Mrs Giraffe Rattle and it has been so entertaining. If she's crying and I shake around the rattle she stops almost instantly and wants to know what it is making all of the noise. We are also trying to help her grip things, so this rattle is perfect because the noise really attracts her to move her arm around once she's got hold of it.

Don't forget to keep your eye out for the Chicco nappies when you next visit Boots!
Feel free to leave me a comment - I appreciate every single one :)
Helen x
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