Thursday, 9 July 2015

NURSERY HACK: Animal Wall Art

NURSERY HACK: Animal Wall Art
After many hours spent searching good old Pinterest for nursery inspiration I kept coming across beautiful animal art hanging in nurseries. There was one that particularly stood out to me, but unfortunately the art was from America, making post and packaging quite expensive! 
Soft animal prints above the changing table 
(Photo Credit)
I think it would have been over $100 just for the art, let alone getting it delivered. So I set out to try and think of a cheaper alternative. I thought about using birthday/event cards because they are already cut to shape and are a lot cheaper than a piece of 'art'. However finding the perfect animals cards proved difficult, they were either made using a computer (not the look we wanted) or they weren't very nursery friendly. Then I came across these beautiful birthday cards in Paperchase - they were perfect. Initially I wrote them off because they had numbers on, but then I thought it would actually make them even more perfect in a way. Isabella will eventually learn to count and we can refer to these cards when the time comes. They did them from 1-6, which fitted well with my image of having two rows of three frames. At £2.50 each they were a complete bargain compared to any art, despite them being a piece of art in their own right.
Below is some more information about the talented lady behind the cards... 
This is a very easy craft project for a nursery, child's room, playroom or anywhere else you may fancy. After finding the perfect animal cards all you'll need are photo frames that are the correct shape and size. I was struggling to find frames that would fit a 15x15cm card, most frames seem to be rectangle. I did find some square ones on eBay but they were £7 each, which quickly adds up when you have six cards. Then I looked in IKEA and found these RIBBA frames, admittedly the mount is smaller than the card (by about 3cm) but as you can see it's not been a problem. You can still see the card image clearly and I really like the box effect of the frame. These frames were only £3.50 each! 


The overall cost of this craft project was £36 (£15 for the cards and £21 for the frames). Much cheaper than the $100 cost of the original art I had fallen in love with and that didn't include any frames! 

Have you done any craft projects for your child's bedroom? 

Feel free to leave me a comment :) 

Helen x  



  1. This is really cute. I've got these frames for Evie's nursery and we haven't used them yet. Can I just ask what hooks you used? The frames are so deep, the ones we normally use won't keep them up. x

    1. We used normal picture hooks but we had to bend them slightly because we had the same issue with how deep the frames are! Hope that helps :)

      Helen x

  2. What a brilliant idea and they look great! So simple and it looks like something you'd buy pre-made in a shop which would cost a fortune!


  3. Oh, I love these! What a clever idea to use greetings cards!
    Thanks for linking up to the weekend blog hop!

  4. These are really cute, I love the simplicity of them which gives them quite a sophisticated look rather than the tackiness some children's room decor has!
    Lizzy | by Lizzy x

  5. Love this. I have never really understood art so I have always been baffled at the price on some of these things! I created my own art for my own bedroom by printing free wallpapers onto photo paper and framing them. What a great idea to use cards though! I will have to keep this in mind :)

  6. Love the frames looks fab thanks for linking to the Binkylinky :)

  7. Such a cute idea! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  8. Aw I love this! Totally gorgeous and so simple. Love the IKEA frames they are so versatile x

  9. Stunning frames. Thanks for linking up

  10. This particular is usually apparently essential and moreover outstanding truth along with for sure fair-minded and moreover admittedly useful My business is looking to find in advance designed for this specific useful stuffs… nursery art prints


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