Tuesday, 6 October 2015

BABY: Our Experience of Baby Massage Class (plus a free alternative)

In the three weeks before Isabella arrived I was searching around for some baby classes we could go together and came across baby massage. I knew that having so much time free on maternity leave could get lonely, so I wanted to keep busy and help my baby's development at the same time.
There is such a range of baby classes available, I was really surprised at the variety - including: baby sensory, music makers, baby signing, weigh and play, social village groups, baby yoga etc. Some of the groups around my area are free but the majority you do have to pay for, so it's worth considering when/if you're looking at the type of classes you want to go to. 
The baby massage class we went to when Isabella was 3 months old was at a local soft play centre and the class we went to recently was in a studio in the baby massage teacher's house. So the location of these baby classes can vary and you have to find what works for you. Baby massage is ideally done with babies that can't crawl because as soon as babies get that new sense of freedom they won't want to lie down and be massaged! 
When we attended our first class I wasn't sure what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised to find a changing mat, little bottle of baby friendly oil and a name card waiting. We were told to take along a towel for our baby to lie on and any questions we had as the teacher was also a Health Visitor. The first course was 4 weeks and cost £40 and the one we started in September was £48 for 5 weeks, so it's usually around £10 a lesson. It is quite expensive but you are learning a skill, which you can then do at home as much as you like. We don't need to do another baby massage course, as I know how to massage Isabella now but we enjoyed it so much I wanted to make the most of it before she starts moving and we won't be able to do it again.
The thing I like the most about baby massage is that you spend 1 hour completely focused on your child, that bonding time is so precious. In reality you could easily teach yourself baby massage, but the classes are really good for meeting other mummies with similar aged babies and its an excuse to leave the house - breaks up those long days otherwise spent at home!

The babycentre website has a great step by step guide on how to massage your baby if you do fancy giving it a go at home. You could even learn the moves yourself and then invite other mummies around to show them how to massage their baby - a cheaper/free alternative with the positive of seeing other people too.

Have you tried baby massage?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x
what katy said Mummascribbles


  1. I did a baby massage course when Jasmine was 3 weeks old and loved it. I used what I learned to incorporate massage into her bedtime routine which I think really help her sleep well from early one. I miss it now that she's a fully fledged toddler who doesn't keep still! ;)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. I have to agree, It's such a nice part of a bedtime routine! One of the teachers suggested one way of incorporating massage into the day of older children - 'make a pizza' on their body, e.g. roll the (imaginary) dough out on their back, chop the tomatoes on their arms, sprinkle the cheese on their heads etc. Not sure how easy that would be in reality but just a suggestion :)

      Helen x

  2. Yes, we do a baby massage class - it's a free Big Lottery funded class run by our local Early Years Partnership. It's definitely worth contacting your local Family Information Service (or Sure Start or whatever it is in your area) to ask about what's available.

  3. We had a couple of baby massage sessions done in the mother and baby group I used to go to when eldest was little. She was never really taken with it, so I didn't do it at home, but I know loads of people and babies who did love it. Looks like a lovely, relaxing class - love the little mats and oil bottles! #twinklytuesday

  4. I did a course with Little G when she was a baby but never found time with LJ. Handy to know that babycentre have a home version. x

  5. As a father there is nothing more important than bonding with my child, so I am always glad to hear about something as simple as massage. I do remember my mother holding babies, massaging them, and stroking the baby's face lightly. They loved it and it seemed to calm them a great deal.

    Brooke Burgess @ East West College

  6. Thanks for clarifying what some of these classes are for. As a brand-new parent, it is very confusing to wrap your head around everything that is offered out there. I am just lucky to be blessed with such a good partner that can help guide the way with me in regards to the child.

    William Connors @ The Healing Station

  7. Some baby love to massage. now I'm slightly clear. I've bookmark your site and also add rss. keep us changed. Very helpful and massage for back pain cherished thing as there may be surprisingly low proportion of people which can be getting used it.

  8. A baby needs enough care and attention and in this care and attention process, we provide them good health care, skin care, and body care. It includes baby massage, baby bath, and baby feeding. Especially baby massage is essential, it helps to boost their fitness, flexible body and muscles, this article describe the experience of baby massage. Thanks for such a wonderful review.
    Baby Massage


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