Monday, 14 December 2015

CRAFT: Handprint Reindeer Christmas Bauble

Adding a personal touch to your Christmas tree, whilst capturing a memory, is the basis behind these cute reindeer handprint baubles. When we have visited our local pottery painting shop I've often seen seriously adorable handprint reindeer pottery baubles, but with a £9.50 price tag for the smallest size they aren't the cheapest. We have actually made one for my Dad at the pottery painting shop, which is lovely and very high quality. But we wanted to make more for other family members and us, making it a potentially very expensive experience!
So I started to hunt around on amazon to see what resources I could buy to make some at home and am so happy with the results. This way you can make 6 for less than £5. Don't get me wrong, these feel cheaper than ceramic baubles, but who knows once they're hanging on the Christmas tree?!

What you'll need:

Non-Toxic brown, red, white and black acrylic paint

(I found poster paint was too runny and slidy when trying to get a clear handprint)

Plastic baubles (set of 6 £2.73 from amazon)


Paint brushes

What to do:
1) Paint your babies hand with the brown paint.
2) Get the handprint - I found almost giving Isabella the bauble to hold (so she grabbed it) was the most effective way of getting it. Another method is painting a piece of firm cellaphane, putting their hand onto the paint and then sliding it off, straight onto the bauble. Either way I think it's definietly a two man job, I tried by myself and just got a smeared mess of a handprint!
3) Once the brown paint is completely dry paint on a red nose - you could use a sponge dabber to create the circle or just go free hand, like I did.
4) Then paint on two white dots for the eyes and allow to completely dry.
5) Finally add the smaller black dots for the eyes and again leave to dry.
6) Attach your favourite ribbon and hang on your Christmas tree.
These are a lovely way to capture your babies handprint, we plan to do one each year until Isabella's hand doesn't fit on a bauble anymore!

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x


  1. I love this! any excuse to add more to the tree! i've shared because this is so cute! #TheList


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