Monday, 18 April 2016

NURSERY: What to pack

Prior to Isabella's first session at nursery I wanted to ensure we had everything she'd need for her days there, plus some extra comforts. Going to nursery is such a big step for both parents and children, so anyway I could make it easier for Isabella I was going to do it. I didn't want to spend much money on the items I was sending Isabella into nursery with - I've heard enough stories about things get ruined/lost that I knew nursery wasn't the place for her 'best' outfits. 

I bought most of these items in the sales over the past few months, which has resulted in a rather strange collection of things! The jacket was from Debenhams for around £5 in the sale, slippers were reduced to £1.20 in Sainsburys, the mittens were reduced to 50p for a 2-pack also from Sainsburys and the rabbit is from JoJo Maman Bebe for £3.50 full price. Isabella wasn't attached to any particular toy, so I thought sending her in with an affordable one means I can have back ups at home without spending a fortune. I popped the rabbit into her cot a few weeks before starting nursery, so that it had a familiar smell hopefully providing comfort. In fact when I went to pick her up from her first settling in session she was carrying the rabbit around with her! I also packed a familiar book because she absolutely LOVES board books at the moment, so I thought that if she got really upset they could look at the book.  

What we packed...
Spare bibs
Two spare outfits
Two spare pairs of socks
Nappy cream
Familiar book
Comfort toy 

To provide even more comfort I know parents that have sent in laminated photo's of familiar family members for their children to look at while at nursery. Another popular item is Ewan the Sheep or any other comforter that plays music. Unfortunately Isabella listens to the 'calm waves' music on our baby monitor, so we couldn't take that to nursery. However, they have a monitor playing lullaby music which seems to have been a good substitute. You may also need to take formula milk either made up or as powder, but because Isabella is now on cow's milk the nursery can provide that.

What are/were your child's nursery essentials?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x 

1 comment

  1. This is a great list - my daughter has just started nursery so I've been trying to get organised. Thankfully the nursery she goes to provides wet wipes and bibs so I don't have to remember them. We also have to take a sleeping bag and sheet for naptime x #TheList


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