Wednesday 24 August 2016

LIFE: Hope

Hope is a funny thing really...its dictionary definition is 'a feeling of expectation or desire for a particular thing to happen' or 'a feeling of trust'. When there is hope there is a glimmer of light, but when it seems that all hope has gone you are suddenly plunged into a dark, empty, lonely place. Bad things happen in life, that's life, and those bad things help us appreciate the good things.

When faced with a hard, tough or bad situation there is often a lot of hoping and wishing...hoping it will all be ok, wishing it wasn't happening and ultimately fearing the worse. Throughout my life I've been faced with a number of very difficult things to deal with and in each situation hope has been all I hung onto, until there simply wasn't any hope left. I guess this leaves me with a strange image of what hope is. It has rarely offered any positives in the hard times and when it has I've felt cheated for what ended up being false hope. Hope that made things better in my head for a small amount of time, but then only made the fall down even harder.

Losing someone or something you love will never be an easy process, it's often the hardest thing a person will go through. If you've ever lost someone or something then you'll be familiar with 'hope' -

Hope that the doctors have got it wrong,
hope that they'll beat all of the odds,
hope that they'll pass peacefully,
hope that you can deal with it,
hope that a miracle cure will be found just in time,
hope that the new drugs trial will bring good news,
hope that the result to tests will be what you want to hear,
hope that when you wake up from this it will have all been a nightmare,
hope that you'll be faced with smiles not tears,
hope that you all never have to go through this again,
hope that you heard wrong,
hope that it will all go away.

Sometimes I hate hope and other times I cling on to it for dear life. At the moment I can't decide whether having hope is a good or bad thing in the long run. If the outcome is inevitable then why waste time hoping and wishing it won't happen? But then again, is the outcome ever truly inevitable until it happens? In which case does hope plays an important role in the process? I simply don't know right now.

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x


  1. This post really hit home with me. I have been having a lot of Hope for different reasons. I think you always have to have hope to try and keep positive.
    Great Post! Popped over from #BloggerClubUK

  2. If the outcome is inevitable, you can hope that the process of it arriving is as gentle, dignified and painless as possible. Whatever the background story is here, I'm hoping that for you and your loved ones. x


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