There goes my third week of maternity leave and it has honestly flown by in a whirlwind of pampering, hot weather and tiny baby clothes. It's amazing what one commitment each day can do for my productivity levels and positivity, whether it be the dentist, hair cut or meeting friends. It's been a good week for ticking things off my to-do list too, with registering our latest Cosatto purchase being one of the only key things left before baby arrives. I actually spent two days of this week with pretty bad period like pains and was convinced labour was imminent. However, for the past few days it has disappeared and I no longer feel on the edge of popping. It's the double guessing everything that is becoming quite exhausting, in an exciting way. I love this 'not knowing' stage, but also find it pretty draining. Either way I'm 39 weeks today, so certainly not too long left!

Baby names book. Last weekend my husband and I had a very rare date night and went to Eden Hall Spa for their Evening Escape. I had won a voucher over on Twitter a while ago and we finally managed to get booked in before this baby arrives. It was lovely to spend some time relaxing, swimming, having the most insane freak shake (no healthy spa snacks here) and just generally having a chat (much to my husband's delight!). We took this baby names book with us, which we were kindly given while trying to decide on Isabella's name over two years ago. We spent a lot of the spa visit going backwards and forwards with first and middle names, but came to no final conclusion. To be honest I like to have a couple of options, for Isabella we had three and then decided once she was born, but we're struggling. I'm sure it will all be sorted in time, we just need to get our thinking hats on.

The Trial: A Murder in the Family on Channel 4. It is a programme with a real jury and real judge, but is a fictional case. It follows the process of hearing evidence within a court case, how the jury work and then finally come to their conclusion. It was a fascinating insight into a system that I generally know nothing about.

Isabella singing. This week seems to have really marked a progression in Isabella's ability to sing nursery rhymes herself. She now knows most of the words to Baa Baa, Wheels on the Bus, Incy Wincy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I Had A Tiny Turtle, Hickory Dickory Dock and If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands. I almost can't believe that my baby is capable of learning the words to a song and sing them to the right tune, silly I know.

The Babybay*. I honestly could not be more excited about this, it is a dream come true. Back when I was pregnant with Isabella the world of safe co-sleepers was just becoming more mainstream (or at least to my knowledge anyway). I knew about them and was intrigued, but didn't really look into them that much. We had a moses basket and were happy with that, well that was until we met Isabella and her lack of love for sleep. She was such an awful sleeper, refusing the moses basket for well over a month and even then didn't sleep through the night until she was past 14 months. Fingers crossed this little one is a better sleeper than her older sister!
Anyway, in the past two years the popularity of bedside cots has rocketed and since finding out we were expecting I've been wanting a Babybay. I would have loved to co-sleep with Isabella, but was simply too scared. However, the Babybay allows you to co-sleep safely along with many other benefits. A parents dream! We finally got around to making it up this week and now it stands proudly next to my side of the bed waiting patiently for a little occupant. I'm so excited to see what life is like with a bedside cot and how much easier it will be with night feeds. Not long to wait now...

Cool It Mama Cooling Body Mist* by Natural Birthing Company. It's fair to say the weather has been on the warm side this week, in fact it's been so hot! I'm not the biggest fan of hot weather normally, but add 39 weeks of pregnancy on top of that and I've been avoiding it as much as I can. Luckily we live in an old house, which stays on the cooler side downstairs but upstairs is a different story. I've also had various appointments to attend throughout the week, which have resulted in me carrying around this Cool It Mama spray pretty much everywhere I go. My feet/ankles are so swollen and spritzing some of this on has really helped to relieve them. You just simply spray it and let the cooling sensation do its thing. If this hot weather continues it will also be coming with me to hospital because I remember it being uncomfortably warm there last time and that was in April!

I got a haircut. Not that exciting for most, but it had been well over a year since I had last had my haircut (seriously, how do parents find time alone to get their haircut?!) so it felt like a real treat. I had forgotten how good it is when they wash your hair at the salon, I was willing her never to stop! I had a good amount chopped off because in reality it will probably be another year or so before I go again (though as always I've promised myself I'll go more often this time). It's so much more manageable now and I'm really pleased with how it looks, a vast improvement to the mess a different salon made of my hair last time!
What have you been loving this week?
Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)
That babybay looks amazing. I'm going to show my sister this post as I think it would be ideal for her!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting your baby will be with you soon! That cool it mist looks perfect and especially developed for pregnant and new mums too
ReplyDeleteThis week, I have fallen back in love with my home! Funny I know, but I have hardly spent time there, but now I am planning buying im excited about the decoration.
ReplyDeleteOoooh I am loving the look of the Baby Bay...I would have loves one of these when my girl was a baby.It's so good when they get good at singing isn't it....lovely times.
ReplyDeleteHoorah, someone like me. I just phoned my hairdresser up today, after realising it has been at least a year. I was totally shocked that he knew who it was! So yes, where do people find the time? I have no idea.
ReplyDeleteI love the look of the Cool it Mama, the ingredients are just up my street. I would have loved that when I was pregnant. I relied on Sanctuary and a cool spice spray that Boots did at the time.
I hope you enjoy your weekend, whatever may happen.
That babybay looks amazing. I wish I had something like this for my two man they have some amazing baby stuff out now if only I could have a third. I think it would make night feeds and just being there safely next to your baby so much better. NOt long now baby names and all that will come to you when you need it. Good luck momma. #ltitleloves
ReplyDeleteIn this heat the mist sounds like a really good idea. It's awful being pregnant when it's so hot.
ReplyDeleteI wish we'd got a co-sleeper. My eldest is a fantastic sleeper. My youngest is rubbish! Love the sound of the spa evening.
ReplyDeleteI wish we'd got a co-sleeper. My eldest is a fantastic sleeper. My youngest is rubbish! Love the sound of the spa evening.
ReplyDeleteI had my haircut a couple of weeks ago and it was the first time since before Zach was born! The babybay looks fab and something I wish I'd had for all 3 babies
ReplyDeleteI found choosing a baby name incredibly difficult, especially the second time round. It felt like such a huge responsibility.
ReplyDeleteOhhh I remember the baby name choosing sessions we had. We never ended up deciding before any of my boys were born, it is so hard!
ReplyDeleteI know I said elsewhere that we had a few different names for Matilda and, like you, decided when we (finally!) met her but... do you find that none of the names you had shortlisted for Isabella would work for your second? I feel like the ones we discarded "belong" to Matilda. :-)
ReplyDeleteEek how exciting that baby is almost here. I can't imagine how hot you've been during this mini heatwave though! The Babybay is not a co-sleeper I've ever really heard much about, but it looks gorgeous xx
ReplyDeleteThe Baby Bay looks great. I wish I had that when my kids were babies.
ReplyDeleteI really wanted to watch that trial but completely forgot about it.
ReplyDeleteI watched the trial really good show Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please
ReplyDeleteWow 39 weeks, not long to go now for sure! I love that you've been reading baby name books, I remeber it so well. I used to join in with Little Loves, I miss it now. Maybe I need to start doing it again (if I can find time!)
ReplyDeleteWell done you, sounds like a super productive week! That babybay looks brilliant
ReplyDeleteWow! How exciting, not long to go now!
ReplyDeleteI love the Baby Bay, I wish I had this for the boys, but will definitely be using one with the next little one :) x
Having a hair cut is such a lovely treat when you are a mum! Hearing your child sing nursery rhymes really is the best sound x