Friday, 14 July 2017

#LITTLELOVES: Hard Parenting Week, Failed Baking and all the Babywearing

What a week. Poppy has entered the 'don't put me down' phase of newborn life and it has completely wiped me out. I feel mentally and physically exhausted. I'm also struggling with backache from the constant feeding/carrying, so I need to start looking after myself whenever possible. The week has flown by though and I can't believe we find ourselves with a month old baby. Isabella has been such a delight this week, with so many heart melting moments. She keep hugging Poppy and I and saying 'my best friends ever''s almost too much for my heart to handle in my exhausted state. I'm so lucky!

Wonder Weeks app. I downloaded it again and identified when the thunderstorm weeks are. I was convinced we were on one this week, but sadly we're not. I forgot how much I relied on this app to explain the hard times when Isabella was a baby, simply as reassurance that the crying/unsettledness would stop some day. 
The Night Of... on Sky Atlantic. We've only managed to watch two episodes of this series, but the first one had us gripped. I don't want to say too much about the story line as I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but in short it' a gripping American crime drama. 

Crying baby. Both in the real and doll form! On Monday we went for a walk in our village and for some bizarre reason I thought it would be a good idea to let Isabella bring her baby doll and pushchair. You can probably guess what happened...within five minutes she wanted me to push the pram, but with some top negotiation I managed to not push the pram and Isabella eventually enjoying showing baby the surroundings. 

Banana bread. This was a complete fail (can you get the gist of this week? Hard.), despite Isabella learning to mash a banana and identify the difference between sugar and flour. So I guess it wasn't a complete fail in that sense. I think I opened the oven too early, making the structure collapse and the base of the cake very solid. To be honest it didn't taste bad, but just didn't look pretty or light in texture. 
Fornessi wrap. I won this wrap on This Mama Life's Instagram just before Poppy was due and it has been a lifesaver. I have been babywearing pretty much all week, in an attempt to comfort Poppy and still entertain Isabella. I didn't use a wrap with Isabella and I regret that now, once you get the hang of how to wrap it it is so easy. I love how lightweight and streamline it is, so it's perfect for wearing around the house. Generally I like to wear the Ergobaby 360 when we're out and the Fornessi wrap in the house. I'm a babywearing convert!

We had such a lovely day at a local food festival, the sun shone and we ate incredible food. For lunch we both had a bahji butty, which was a homemade onion bahji in a naan bread with mint yogurt sauce, chilli drizzle and mango chutney. Oh it was amazing - so much flavour! There was live music, children's rides, chef demonstrations and plenty of stalls. I love spending family days at events like this, especially as this was outside so Isabella could enjoy running around in all the space. 
What have you been loving this week?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x
Little Loves Coffee Work Sleep Repeat


  1. OH well done even being able to get out, never mind going to a festival! It's different second time round though isnt' it? You just carry on, even though it's so hard. Gorgeous moments :)

  2. I am gutted I never baby wore. My youngest is almost 3 and I hadn't really heard about it much, now loads people baby wear.

  3. The food festival sounds like it made up for the difficult week you had! Look after yourself :-)

  4. I think baby wearing is so key second time round but I never managed to wear mine for long without getting back ache. You are doing amazing. I still remember how hard it was with two this time last year. It does get easier. Look after tourself as best you can in the mean time. X

  5. We always found Matilda ran a week or two ahead of the Wonder Weeks app (I know that makes me sound like SUCH a smug, my-kid's-an-overachiever mum, but there you go!) so you might well be right - you know the signs by now and every kid is different. :-)

  6. That wrap looks amazing - i really enjoyed baby wearing (we barely used a pram in this baby days) and quite honestly miss it!

  7. Any home made can is always better than shop bought even if it goes wrong! Plus you've made it so it feels extra special.

  8. I think everyone has had baking disasters, but its still quality time spent with Isabella.
    (Hubby helping out)

  9. Some weeks are just tough and little things keep going wrong. Keep going! The best memories are often those mistakes that turn out wonderfully in the end :)

  10. Sorry to hear your week has been a little trying, and I hope you were able to find some me time to take care of yourself - we often forget about us with a newborn in tow.

    The food festival sounds great! I hope you've all had a lovely weekend.

  11. We love going to festivals at this time of year too, sounds like the little one is slotting into daily life :) Big fans of baby wearing too and loved our stretchy when I was younger :)

  12. Baby wearing was my saviour when mine were little. Sorry to hear you are feeling wiped but getting out and about is an achievement in itself :)

  13. Oh your food at the food festival sounds yummy, although it's a shame that you didn't feel the week was a good one. We always n need to focus on the positives x

  14. I have also had mixed results with banana bread. I find banana cake recipes much more reliable.

  15. Baby wearing is fantastic isn't it? I'm gutted I didn't do it more with my two.
    Seeing your little girl with the play buggy reminded me so much of walking with each of mine at that age. Both would insist on bringing the play buggy and then of course get fed up of pushing it! Lovely days though. You've made me all nostalgic with this post! xx

  16. I always ended up forcing my mum to let me take stuff out & then I'd whinge till she would carry it for me when I could no longer be bothered... OH gosh I've got this all to look forward to !

    P.s that wrap is GORGEOUS

  17. Even though your week has not been great it still sounds like your doing a brilliant job. x


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