Happy Friday everyone! This past week has been one of those weeks that started with no plans and turned into a very busy one. One day we even visited the park twice, no one can say I'm not dedicated to trying to exhaust this toddler of mine. Now that I've got a good couple of weeks of parenting two children under my belt I've started to make plans for the summer. I've booked Isabella onto a couple of fun toddler classes that I'm excited to go to with her and Poppy. I'm trying to have something to do every single day it is the three of us, even if it's just a trip to the local park. I'd love it if you shared your favourite summer toddler/baby activities in the comments because I'm always in need of more inspiration.

Comments recommending the Gro Clock. A few weeks ago I posted on my Instagram asking for advice because Isabella kept waking up at 4.30am. As you can imagine it was exhausting us, especially as I was up a few times in the night feeding too. A product that kept being recommended was the Gro Clock from The Gro Company, so we did what most desperate parents do when they want sleep...went and bought it as soon as possible. It has worked wonders and we're now treated to a 5.30am wake up from Isabella. Still pretty early, but that's a whole hour progress so I'm not complaining.

Cousins laughing together. At the weekend we visited my husband's family, as his grandparents who live in Devon were up and we wanted to introduce Poppy to them. I always love it when we get to bring Isabella and her oldest cousin together because they have so much fun. Isabella really looks up to her, yet has started to assert herself too. It's an interesting relationship to witness forming, they're like sisters and I hope that we can continue cherishing their closeness as they grow up. I can't believe it because her big cousin will be starting school in September; it won't be long before Isabella's there too!

The Hills is back on MTV from season 1! I have watched every episode of The Hills so many times now, yet still love it. I think the last time I watched it was at university, a whole six years ago, when my friends and I were revising for our third year exams. It's crazy to think how different life was like back then - no children, no husband, no job and very little responsibility. Now I'm watching The Hills as a mother of two beautiful daughters, married to the man I love so very much and on maternity leave from a job I love too.

Cousins laughing together. At the weekend we visited my husband's family, as his grandparents who live in Devon were up and we wanted to introduce Poppy to them. I always love it when we get to bring Isabella and her oldest cousin together because they have so much fun. Isabella really looks up to her, yet has started to assert herself too. It's an interesting relationship to witness forming, they're like sisters and I hope that we can continue cherishing their closeness as they grow up. I can't believe it because her big cousin will be starting school in September; it won't be long before Isabella's there too!

Plans to go to the park with a mummy from our local Mums and Tots group. This will probably sound silly to some, but it felt like a big deal to me. Last week at the group I offered to exchange numbers with a fellow mummy, so that we could meet up and have some adult conversation while our children played together. So often I've been to baby/toddler groups aiming to meet other mummies, but left with no details exchanged or plans to meet up. Not only did I finally exchange numbers we also met up this week for a playdate. Just a trip to a local park, but taking that step to reach out has now meant we both have someone to call on when we need some adult conversation or to simply get out of the house.

Boots Mini Club sleepsuits. I absolutely love their range of sleepsuits for two reasons - they have minimal poppers and their designs are so unique and colourful. Poppy has a couple of Boots Mini Club sleepsuits handed down from Isabella, but thanks to Advantage Card points I bought a few more new ones for her. Poppy certainly didn't need anymore baby clothes, but they are so pretty and when they're essentially 'free' to buy with points then it makes it completely justified. I think so anyway. Anyone else try and justify their baby purchases? I don't know why they make me feel so guilty!

Poppy turned 5 weeks old. Can you believe it? She's changed so much with much more time spent awake, looking around and smiling. I'm still not sure if she's smiling or it's a reflex, but it definitely happens whenever someone is talking to her/smiling so I think they could be smiles. I had forgotten how exciting it is when your baby does the most simple of things! She has been a lot more settled this week (read about why last week was a hard one here), which has been such a relief and made all the difference.

What have you been loving this week?
Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)
Oh my goodness, I loved the Hills! I ended up. Inge watching them years ago! May have to check in on MTV! Where have those 5 weeks gone?! Love the last picture and adore the second from last!
ReplyDeleteYou're doing so well to still be blogging with a 5 week old! I loved the Grow Clock too - it was a complete lifesaver when my son was waking early and had no idea what time it was. Really worked for us.
ReplyDeleteWe love our GroClock too. Every night I say to my son "see you when the sun comes up", and in the morning he comes running into us shouting "mummy the sun is up"!!! Result. We have ours set for 7.30am - how you're surviving waking at 5.30, with a newborn as well, I don't know. I'd be in a puddle on the floor! I hope the gro clock continues to creep forwards to longer sleeps for you. Kate x
ReplyDeleteAh he is adorable! Lovely pictures, too :) Congrats!
ReplyDeleteWe used a gro clock when my little girl was a toddler, it really helped her to stay in bed until a more reasonable hour. It's great that you are getting out and about with the girls, well done for exchanging numbers too it's daunting trying to make mummy friends isn't it. The photo of you and Poppy is lovely. Have a fun weekend x #WotW
ReplyDeletePoppy is such a little cutie! I loved Boots Mini Club for my girls when they were tiny. It was so easy to add in sleepsuits and clothes into my basket with all the nappies and justify it all by thinking of the points all adding up! haha xx
ReplyDeleteWe use the Gro Clock as well and it's great for me! Sounds like a pretty busy week! Hopefully you'll make some more Mummy friends x
ReplyDeleteOh wow the hills!!! I loved that show!! Spencer and Heidi were amazing, and the whole dramas with Lauren. I really need to watch this again!
ReplyDeleteShe is growing so fast. I can see why you got the sleep suits and as you say they were in a way free :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a fab week. I have not heard of the gro clock before, but I am so glad that it has worked for you. x
ReplyDeleteThe gro clocks are awesome great read Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please
ReplyDeleteAh so lovely that you are making some mummy friends so important to have them around to keep you sane!
ReplyDeleteWe have had Gro products in the past, but not the clock, We'll have to look into that.
ReplyDelete(hubby helping out)
what a cutie! The gro clock is still helping us with sleeping and was definitely a god send in toddler years so make sure you keep it!
ReplyDeleteThe Hills! That takes me back! I do love rewatching old series. Poppy is sooooo cute! Love her little sleepsuits. Hope you're having a good weekend x
ReplyDeleteWe love our Gro Clock. The elder 2 don't need it any more so it is stored away until Zach is ready for it
ReplyDeleteThe Hills - now that's a throwback!
ReplyDeletePoppy is just adorable, and it sounds like you have some fun summer plans ahead. An activity a day is how I'm tackling the summer with my little one also. Be sure to make time for yourself too mama!
Wow, it sounds like you're very busy as a new mummy of two. I can't believe you're still managing to blog! I'm looking at getting the Gro Clock for Parker, might be just what we need. Have a lovely weekend xx
ReplyDeleteOh my god, the Hills is back?! Wonderful news. I will have to catch up. Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteWell done for surviving the first five weeks as a mummy of two so well! Don't forget that sometimes toddlers are totally ok with just staying in and playing with their toys, so don't feel you need to be out everyday if one day you wake up and can't be bothered; that's fine!
Awww 5 weeks old, she is gorgeous! The Hills is back, yay. Oh my goodness I used to LOVE that I will definitely be checking it out x
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to have her playing with her cousins, it is so nice to see cousins playing. I have lovely memories of my cousins playing together
ReplyDeleteYES to making new parent friends! So scary but so worth it!
ReplyDelete(Also YES to Mini Club, but you know that already)
I was really sad when my kids grew out of the boots mini club range as I love their clothes. The Gro Clock worked wonders for us too