Bathtime has always been such a fun part of our bedtime routine; it's a chance for Isabella to play and splash whilst getting clean at the same time. Since having Poppy bathtime has had to change slightly due to their being two children and only one of me! I remember when I was pregnant with Poppy just not getting my head around how I was ever going to manage to bath two children at the same time. As with many aspects of parenting you just find a way because, well, you have to don't you? As time has gone on I've learnt many different ways of making bathtime easier with two children, just little things that generally keep bathtime fun and stress-free.

1) Set up everything you'll need before - As the bath is running I will put down the changing mat next to the bath for Poppy, as well as her Cuddledry towel, sleepsuit, vest, new nappy and body lotion. I will also lay out Isabella's pyjamas and nappy ready in her bedroom, so that everything is quickly to hand when needed.
2) Use the Original Cuddledry Handsfree Baby Bath Towel* (£29.99) - It can be such a juggling act holding a slippery baby, getting them out the bath and wrapping them in a towel, which is where the Handsfree Baby Bath Towel from Cuddledry comes in. It is an apron style towel that enables you to pick your baby out of the bath, hold them close and wrap them in the towel without feeling the need for four arms! They have recently added a Scandi colourways range, which includes a beautiful pure white, blue/white, grey stars and pink/white. I have been using the super soft pink/white Cuddledry with Poppy and it makes life so much easier! Not to mention how silky soft, highly absorbent and fast drying it is. I have honestly never felt anything as soft and it stays super soft after washing too. Poppy is out of the bath, dried and in her fresh pyjamas in no time, which means I can play with Isabella before it's her turn to get out of the bath.

3) Entertainment - Ensuring there are lots of different things for your toddler to play with makes bathing your baby a lot easier. Isabella loves playing with the rubber ducks, foam letters and people that she can dress. Also finished bottles of body wash are perfect for filling up and emptying.
4) Start bathtime early - There's nothing like limited time and over tired children to add stress to a situation. Ensuring bathtime starts nice and early means you can take your time and there's less chance of over tired toddlers!
5) Encourage independence from your toddler - Sometimes it is quicker to get toddler's undressed yourself, but teaching them to do it themselves will help in the long run and give them a life skill. It can also help to show them where to put their dirty clothes and to put their pyjamas on. Even if they can't do it completely by themselves then it gives them something to do while you're getting your baby dressed/undressed. Isabella also loves setting out the Cuddledry towel ready for Poppy, which is just the cutest thing.
6) Plan ahead - When you become a parent you quickly learn that everything has to be planned, bathtimes included. At the beginning of the week I'll think about what are plans are and therefore the best days for baths. The girls have a bath three times a week and one of those is always after Isabella's been at nursery. The other two are swapped around depending on what we're doing, for instance if we go to the farm I'd plan to have a bath that evening because chances are Isabella will have got muddy.
There you have it...my top tips for making bathtime with two children easier. I hope they help to bring peace at an otherwise busy time of day. I'd also highly recommend checking out the new Cuddledry range because they are the most snuggly towels that make bathing a baby so much easier.
What are your tips for making bathtime easier?
Feel free to leave a comment :)
Helen x
Bathtime was one of the things that stressed me out most about having a second child - I just couldn't see how it would work! But it's really not as bad as I feared. The towel looks amazing, such a great idea, and I couldn't agree more with the planning aspect and having everything ready and to hand before you start. I really don't know why this was the thing I worried about most, there are far more difficult things!
ReplyDeletePlanning ahead and setting things up are great tips for sure, I don't yet have kids but I remember my babysitting days really well trying to bath 3 kids at once. It was hard but we found a fun way to do it
ReplyDeleteBathtimes can be extremely stressful. Your tips are perfect though and the Cuddledry range looks lovely.
ReplyDelete(hubby helping out)
I've got all this to come! Great tips, I think planning ahead is so important :D x
ReplyDeleteI think planning and having everything ready is key! We love Cuddledry. Kaz x
ReplyDeleteI adore Cuddledry products just so sad that my kids are too big for them now! Bugs had a poncho type towel and a dressing gown when he was a toddler and he still loves them now. They are so soft and wash so well. I didn't get one of these towels but they really do look like they make bath time so much easier x
ReplyDeleteThat towel looks really nifty. I wish I'd had one when my boys were little.
ReplyDeleteWe used to struggle with the logistics of bathing two children when my youngest was a baby. These tips are perfect for helping parents cope with the new dynamic
ReplyDeletegosh I remember all too well just how stressful bath times can be, well still can occasionally. I agree it helps to set things up before hand, I've loss count of the amount of times I've had to shout down stairs to my partner to bring something up that I've forgotten once the little ones are already in the bath.
ReplyDeleteThey're great tips! I always set out clothes before bathtime or shower time as it just makes life easier afterwards!