Wednesday, 17 January 2018

BABY: Bumbo Multi Seat - The 3 Stage Seat that Grows with your Child

One milestone for babies that really makes them seem so much older is being able to sit up. Suddenly they're able to look around by themselves, grab toys and interact with others. Recently Poppy reached this milestone, which now means all she wants to do is sit up! Where has my little baby gone? This coincided with starting weaning too, so between playing and eating Poppy spends the majority of the time sitting up. However she isn't confident enough to be left on her own whilst sitting up and it helps to have that extra bit of support when she's eating too. The Bumbo Multi Seat solves this issue, as it is a 3 stage seat that provides babies with support to help them sit up while playing or eating. It can be a floor seat with or without a tray, as well as attaching to a dining chair and when the insert is removed it is a seat suitable for older children.

Bumbo are probably best known for their Floor Seat, but they also have a fantastic range of other products for both babies and children. This includes a Booster Seat, Toilet Trainer, Step Stool, Changing Pad and the Multi Seat. The Bumbo Floor Seat is designed for younger babies (suitable from 3 months), while the Multi Seat is for slightly older babies to toddlers and finally the Booster Seat is for older children. All of which help include your little one with family life, enabling them to sit up to play, eat and interact with siblings.
We've been using the Multi Seat with Poppy, as it is perfect for travelling around with. Taking a highchair and/or somewhere safe for Poppy to sit with us when visiting family/friends isn't really possible. Our highchair is too big for the car and the bouncer is too, so being able to pop the Multi Seat in the car when travelling around makes life so much easier. It has a compact design with lots of clever features built in. Unlike the Bumbo Floor Seat, the Multi Seat comes with an inbuilt tray that is stored at the back of the seat and then clips into the front when required. This gives you flexibility, as it means that your little one can either sit at the table or use the tray. 
Other clever features that the Bumbo Multi Seat has are:

  • 3 Point Safety Harness
  • 2 Level Height Adjustment - The base can be removed and flipped, which creates a higher level for when children are younger and/or smaller.
  • Soft Foam Cushion - This can be removed when your child is older, making it a seat that will truly last for years. As you can see from the pictures, my seven month old and almost 3 year old can use the same seat.
  • Padded Seat - Providing extra comfort for our little ones, which can be stored in the base of the seat when your child is old enough not to need it. 
  • The retractable straps fit most dining chairs - These are neatly stored on either side of the seat, so there aren't any straps hanging down when not attached to a chair.
  • Wipe Clean
  • Suitable for Children with a Maximum Weight of 15kg
  • Suitable from 6 months+
If you're currently looking into seat supports or travel friendly highchairs then I'd highly recommend the Bumbo Multi Seat. Its sleek design, clever features and longevity makes it the perfect choice for using both around the house and whilst out. 

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x

*This post contains PR samples. As always, all opinions are 100% honest and my own.
I've linked this post up with #ablogginggoodtime and Blogger Club UK.


  1. Bumbo's are great aren't they? I am loving the new features - they have really adapted them well. Su

  2. I love the versatility of this and it's really great looking too - such a handy thing to have around!

  3. We LOVE Bumbo! We also have the multi-seat. My 2yo currently uses it. Will only be another 2 months until our little Jimmy can use it too. We also have the Safari stages toy, a great addition for the Bumbo floor seat and multi seat :) x

  4. Oh my i wish they had those seats when my daughter was uou ger they are such a great idea

  5. This is really good and could have done with it when my twins were little as we rarely could get 2 high chairs when we went out anywhere

  6. Oh wow they seem so much better than the ones that were around when mine were younger. Those straps are a great idea.

  7. This is so much more advanced than the ones I had for my children who are now 12 and 6! Thanks so much for sharing,


  8. She looks so happy in her seat reading her book. I love the Bumbos but didn't realise they did products like this too!

    Ami xxx

  9. Bumbo is fab isn't it?! The design just seems to keep on getting better :) x

  10. We absolutely loved our bumbo. So useful for little ones and helpful during feeding time too!

  11. This looks brilliant, the perfect addition to the Bumbo range

  12. What a great idea for a product. So many different uses!

    Jenna-The Bloglancer

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This seat looks great. I really like the design.

  15. This looks very clever and practical. Perfect for travelling, too.

  16. a portable dining chair is a great idea :)

  17. It's a really flexible seat isn't it? I love how it's so easy to fold away and the tray is so useful

  18. This is so good - I had the basic original Bumbo for Pickle and loves it. Kaz

  19. We had one of these when H was little and it was worth it's wait in gold. As he get older though (his legs got to chubby to fit in to it) we moved on to the Chicco Pocket Snack Booster. Might be worth a look for the next stage. Thanks for sharing #ablogginggoodtime

  20. What a fabulous product! We had a seat similar and it was amazing. Love the look of this one, the colours are so nice.

  21. An incredible product that grows with your child is always a must have, I like that you can have it on the floor or attached to a dinning table so cool

  22. I absolutely LOVE bumbo. We had one for Evie and it went everywhere with us. I love how much they have improved them in a few short years (even though they were amazing then too! They're so versatile! Evie used to sit and do activities in hers, she ate in it and we took it in the car with us when we went away or to other peoples houses. They're brilliant!

  23. I love this product and it's features. Best to use and best for gifts. I just wish I had this during my son's infancy period. Very usable and comfortable. Nice review!

  24. this looks like such a fab product, and oh my gosh she is adorable, I love her name too! Thank you so much for sharing this with us for #ablogginggoodtime Just to let you know that sadly Catie (Spectrum Mum) will no longer be a co-host for #ablooginggoodtime, we will have a new co-host this Thursday and you can still link up through Katie or myself Thanks, love Mackenzie

  25. I wish they'd had these when mine were small, they look so versatile!

  26. This looks like such a handy little seat, I wish I had of had one of these when mine were smaller x

  27. Oh wow these look great! A huge step up from the Bumbo I had with my eldest! x


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