Wednesday 5 December 2018

PARENTHOOD: The Wonder of Reaching the Walking Milestone with Poppy

PARENTHOOD: The Wonder of Reaching the Walking Milestone with Poppy
#AD *Advertorial Content - Paid Partnership with SMA® Nutrition 
We recently reached a very exciting milestone with Poppy...she can now walk! It's the milestone I was nervous and excited about in equal measures because life with two children is busy at the best of times, so how would I manage with two children on the move? Would I spend my days trying to look after two children running in opposite directions? In reality I've been surprised at how much reaching this milestone has had a positive impact on our family life. Life has changed, that's for sure, but in ways I certainly didn't anticipate. Poppy is now on a new and exciting journey into the world of being a toddler and it is an absolute honour to witness all the wonder that comes with it.

It all started when Poppy was around 14.5 months old; she started getting braver with cruising around furniture and was even letting go every now and then. I remembered from watching Isabella learn to walk, that babies suddenly seem to 'get it' and then they're off. It is such a wonderful and incredible journey to witness, isn't it? I find it fascinating how babies learn so much simply by watching the people around them. No one physically showed Poppy how to lift one foot, move it forward and put it back down again, yet here we were at 14.5 months on the edge of her being able to walk for the first time. It makes me quite emotional thinking about Poppy reaching these big milestones of childhood because not only does it mean she's growing up, but also that the world around her is opening up. She's able to see more, do more and learn more.
If reaching milestones, like walking or crawling, throws up lots of questions and you just aren't sure what the answers are (as I know it often does for me, despite being a second time parent!) then fear not - there are plenty of places to seek advice. Did you know you can head over to the  SMA Careline®, where SMA® Nutrition have a dedicated team of expert parents with first-hand experience ready to answer any parenthood questions you might have. Think of them as a best friend in the world of parenting, available for free 24/7 across UK and Ireland to answer questions, share their wealth of experience and be a friendly person to listen. They are contactable via telephone (free of charge - Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm), email, LiveChat and even via Facebook Private Messenger. So a resource really worth making the most of in those times of need.
After weeks of almost taking those all-important first steps, Poppy woke up one morning and she just 'got it'. She went from relying on our hands or a walker to steady herself to being a free, independent toddler. It has completely changed the dynamics between Isabella and Poppy too, which is a change I hadn't been anticipating. They now both love to splash in puddles, play dress-up and kick up autumn leaves, most importantly together. Days are spent playing together rather than alongside each other and although I'm under no illusion that the days of sibling arguments are imminent, we are enjoying this middle ground of blissful playing at the moment.
Now that Poppy is on the move I am more conscious than ever about ensuring she has the right nutrients to keep her strong and healthy. SMA® PRO Growing Up Milk (12 months to 3 years), as part of a varied diet, helps by providing a blend of vitamins and minerals to support children's normal cognitive development, immune system and growth.

SMA® PRO Growing Up Milk is enriched with iron to help support normal cognitive development plus a blend of vitamins (including vitamins A, C and D) to help support the normal function of a the immune system plus Omega 3 & 6 and iodine to help support normal growth.

The beneficial effect of essential fatty acids is obtained with a daily intake of 10 g of Linoleic acid and 2 g of a-linolenic acid.

SMA® Nutrition have been a leader in baby nutrition research for over 100 years, so you know it is a brand you can trust.

Excitingly, they have also recently rebranded with the aim of making their packaging easier to read and for each variant to be quickly identified. The new packaging designs are sleek, clear and provide all the information we as parents want when buying our toddler's formula milk.
They have also recently launched an Organic version of their Growing Up Milk, which can be bought in 800g tins nationwide.
The developmental milestone of walking made me nervous for many reasons but mainly because I had the vision of standing in the middle of Isabella and Poppy with them both running the completely opposite directions. It's funny to look back on now and although I'm sure there will be moments like that I am so pleased to say that Poppy learning to walk has made parenting two children a lot easier in my experience.

Which milestone did/will you anticipate the most when it comes to your child growing up?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

This post is sponsored by SMA® Nutrition who I’ll be partnering with over the next few months.

Helen x

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breast milk is best for babies and breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. SMA® PRO Growing Up Milk is suitable for young children from 1-3 years, as part of a healthy balanced diet and it is not a breast milk substitute.  SMA® Organic Growing Up Milk is suitable for young children from the 12th month, as part of a healthy balanced diet and it is not a breast milk substitute.



  1. This brings back memories. My mother was talking to me about my first steps. A moment of joy in any childs life for sure xx

  2. Wow congratulations Poppy for reaching such a big milestone. Still remember both of my children's first steps, a special moment.

  3. Well done Poppy, yay! Such a huge milestone - those baby years go by so fast. Gorgeous photos!

  4. Ah this is so sweet and the photos gorgeous. She looks like she is doing so well and it is such a gorgeous age for them to be at with all the exploring to do

  5. This milestone was always my favourite. Although I was exactly the same second time and was quite nervous about what it would mean for us in regards to busy days. But also like you I found it had a positive effect on our days and actually made things easier.

  6. Congratulations on the milestone! My mummy remembers when I used to cruise around the sofa all the time - then suddenly just started walking!

  7. It’s always so exciting to mark the milestone and to see our children grow! Can’t believe how quickly time flies!

  8. Wow Poppy, well done! I remember the ‘first walk’ of both my children. Quite emotional too x

  9. What an incredible milestone Poppy has passed, my friends baby just started walking too and he's cruising around the house.

  10. My youngest walked at 11 months it was a nightmare! What lovely photos. I'm a bit wary of follow on milk, I've used it myself in the past but it's really not necessary.

  11. awww well done Poppy that is one of most amazing milestones- i remember when my girl started walking there was no stopping her hehe

  12. My son was actually walking for ages before he realised he was doing it, the day he realised was magical.

  13. It's lovely that she has started to work, it's a whole new take on the world for her. I remember being excited and nervous too at this stage

  14. Ah that's so lovely! Well done Poppy! It's a game changer when they start walking, theres no stopping them!

  15. I love it when they first start to toddle, so cute and well done Poppy

  16. Beautiful photos and well done Poppy! 💕 Seeing little ones learning to walk is completely fascinating (and a touch scary at times). That toddlering stage is one to remember xx

  17. Well done to Poppy! I remember freaking out about having two walking kids but it’s actually so much easier once the baby learns to walk too!xx

  18. What gorgeous photos! It’s so exciting that she’s hit this milestone x

  19. Well done on this milestone. This is such an awesome experience for everyone.

  20. It's great that she has started to walk. They grow up so fast

  21. That's a great milestone for her to reach and pass. On to more exciting things for Poppy now she can walk.

  22. Aww the first steps are always such an exciting milestone! A proud parent moment for sure! Now to stop her running off! Haha

  23. Go Poppy! It is always so lovely when they start walking. I almost wished those days to come quicker when my 3 were small.

  24. I remember both my boys starting to walk. My eldest was an early walker, at 9 months. But my younger son was almost 18 months.

  25. Congrats to your little one for reaching this major milestone. It certainly brings me back to when mine started this journey:)

  26. Aww well done Poppy! I do love them being able to walk, it means they don't get as grumpy being stuck in their chairs when out! I don't think it will be long before Charlie is walking...

  27. Walking is such a major milestone in a child's development, it's very special and always seems to be one that you remember.

  28. So adorable, your photos are beautiful too. She looks very happy with herself walking around. They always look so much more grown up once they start walking


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