Monday 17 December 2012

Cheap Homemade Christmas Decorations

I love everything about Christmas, the wrapping up warm, present buying and having a festive house. So this year I went about making my own Christmas decorations as they can be so expensive!

The first thing I made was a candle holder out of an old jam jar and some ribbon. I would recommend always keeping old glass jars, even if you don't have a need for them straight away something will always come up, whether it be a container for nuts/crackers at a party, candle holder, sweet holder or a container for make up brushes. I had a shallow jar, so I wrapped some wide christmassy ribbon (which I had bought from a Car Boot sale for 50p) and fixed it with a red paper clip at the back. Really was as easy as that! I then took some ribbon of a gift bag I had received in the past and tied it around the top of the jar, popped a tealight inside and there you go! Extremely cheap candle holder :)

Last year I collected lots of pine cones, they are free and can look great in a very cheap Christmas decoration. I bought some gold spray paint and a Fake Snow spray, both from Poundland for a £1 each. I put some newspaper outside and sprayed some of the pine cones gold and some with the fake snow spray. They looked great straight away but it's best to let them dry fully (preferably overnight), especially then fake snow spray as it comes off easily until it dries. I then put them in a tall glass vase I already had, if I had some fairy lights that work with a battery then I would have weaved those between the pine cones too, as I think that can look lovely. Here's the finished piece:

I love all the vintage inspired bunting that is around at the moment, you can get them relatively cheap from eBay but they are generally quite expensive. So I went about making my own this year, I bought some scissors that have a 'scalloped' edge from a great shop called, The Range, for only £1.50. I also bought a pack of 50x A5 Ivory Card from there for £1.99! I used the scissors to cut the A5 card into triangles (the typically bunting shape). I then used a sponge to dab on red paint to the card and let it dry, obviously you can use any colour or colour combination you like. I then measured the writing (to say Merry Christmas) so that they were all the same size, this is a very important and time consuming part of making them because if all the letters are different sizes it would look very amateur. I painted the letters with white paint, then decided I wanted the letters to be glittery so I used some glitter nail varnish I had to paint over the white. Let it all dry overnight, if you have some books you could compress the bunting with that would be good because they can curl up when they dry. To connect the ribbon to the individual bunting letters I hole punched twice at the top of the bunting, then put some ribbon (from Poundland, a £1 for 6 sets of ribbon) through both holes and left excess either end to tie it up with. Here's it finished:

What do you think?
Have you made any Christmas decorations this year?

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