Wednesday, 2 October 2013

I MADE: Vintage Inspired Tea Cup Candle with EllaPure Essential Oils

 I've been wanting to make a tea cup candle for a long time, over the summer I bought the candle wicks off eBay and I did try making a candle in a patterned glass but it was a bit rubbish! So I thought I'd research it a bit more and then have a second attempt.
This time I had a go at making a scented candle, as I was kindly sent these Essential Oils from EllaPure. Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Ylang Yland and Eucalyptus Essential Oils are sold in a set for £28 from the EllaPure website (see here). These Essential Oils are completely natural, so are some of the highest quality essential oils you can buy! I hadn't realised that there are almost endless uses for essential oils, from mixing them with body creams to target certain skin issues to homemade sugar scrubs.  
You'll need:
Essential Oils (this set from EllaPure are the highest quality, so are perfect for candle making)
Tea cup and saucer
Old candle
Wick (I bought a set of 50 off eBay for £3.99)
Glass bowl
Disposable bowl/pourer
2 Skewers
What to do:
1) Cut up the candle carefully and pop it into a glass bowl. Place the bowl over some boiling water (ensuring the water isn't touching the bottom of the bowl). The candle wax will then gradually melt. I used a skewer to stir the melting wax, so that I could throw it away afterwards.
2. Once some of the wax has melted dip the metal end of the wick in and then hold it in place in the tea cup. This helps to keep it in place when the melted wax is poured in. Once you've done this you'll need to place 2 skewers either side of the wick and balancing on the top of the tea cup. This again helps to keep the wick in the middle.  
3. Once the wax has completely melted then drip in a couple of drops of EllaPure essential oils. I chose to use the Lemongrass scent because I was making this for someone who loves citrus! You only need a few drops if you're using such a high quality essential oil but it's completely to your preference. That's the brilliant thing about making your own candle - it's exactly what you want!  
4. Using a disposable container (I used an ice-cream tub) scoop up the melted candle wax, being really carefully as it will be so hot, and pour it into the tea cup. Try not to let any drip because it can be hard to clean it off again!
5. Once the tea cup is as full as you want it to be let it cool down. I found leaving it overnight was perfect.
6. If the wick is too long then cut it to the desired length and that's it! So quick and easy, making a lovely personalised gift for someone.
 What do you think?
Feel free to leave me a comment :)


  1. Ah i was just saying the other day that i'd love to make a tea cup candle :) thanks for this, may have to follow it to make one of my own!!

    meimei xx

  2. Aw this is so cute, I love candles and I love tea, perfect!

  3. This is such a gorgeous idea!! Will definitely have to do this! Much love, Lauryn from xxx

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