Monday, 13 January 2014

WEEKEND: Freezing Canal Walk

Last weekend was the first weekend in over 2 months that we actually had no plans! Not one single plan, event we had to go to or people to see - bliss. I absolutely love spending time with everyone and keeping busy but that odd weekend with no plans are amazing. A time to relax, catch up on TV/wedding planning/creating happy memories together and cook healthy food for the rest of the week. We had a very lazy start to the weekend, we still aren't quite used to the early mornings work brings after 2 weeks off over Christmas. We found some beautiful canal locks to have a walk along, by the time we got to them the sun was almost setting. Perfect.

Nature can be such a beautiful thing...

^The last red berries, surviving this freezing weather.^

Do you like weekends with no plans?

Feel free to comment :)


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