Tuesday, 4 March 2014

PANCAKE DAY: Abra-Ca-Debora

I can't quite believe a) we're already in March and b) it's once again pancake day and I haven't really had pancakes at all since the last pancake day. I make a promise to myself every year - that I'll have pancakes more often as I love them so much. But every year, the years passes me by and I don't have any pancakes. I think its the faff of making them, the washing up and the oil that has managed to spit all over EVERY kitchen surface! They really are quite a lot of hassle for essentially a dessert. Abra-Ca-Debora have solved these issued with ready made pancake products that are not only really convenient but taste sooo good too!

The Abra-Ca-Debora 6 Sweet Dutch Pancakes* (they're currently half price at Tesco for £1) are just like that perfect pancake you get - you know the one after you've attempted about 5 times and you're getting slightly tired of eating pancakes at the speed of light before the next one is ready?! But instead of having to trial and error with a lot of pancake batter, you just pop these in the microwave for 30 seconds and you have a perfect sweet pancake that can be topped with any combination of deliciously decadent ingredients. On the inside of the sleeve you are faced with some tasty pancake topping suggestions - peanut butter and jam - why did I not think of having them on a pancake?! These pancakes are ideal for having throughout the year, so much easier!

The Abra-Ca-Debora Diddy Sweet Dutch Pancakes* (£1.49 from Waitrose) made me instantly think of chocolate fondue's, they are the perfect 'dunkable' size! These bitesize pancakes are light, fluffy and surprisingly filling. They make a lovely accompaniment to chocolate fondue or as a snack. I have to admit I did almost eat a whole pack on the way to meet our wedding caterers, they're just so moreish!
How are celebrating Pancake Day - Ready-made pancakes or Home-made?

Feel free to leave me a comment :)



  1. Damn it! Wish I'd got these now, they look far better than the ready mix stuff that we'll be using later on this evening x

  2. Ahh this looks amazing! Especially the diddy ones with chocolate! Jealous of your pancake day!




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