You may have seen on either my Blog, Twitter (@Treasure_E_M) or Instagram (treasure_e_m) that I finally HAVE MY WEDDING DRESS!! It's been seriously worrying me that our wedding was getting nearer and nearer, the recommended 6 months has come and gone and I still didn't have my wedding dress. After spending many days searching wedding dress shops I ended up getting it at The National Wedding Show at the NEC! Tom and I visited the wedding show last Autumn - I was in heaven...Tom was one of a small number of males but the main wedding product there was wedding dresses. I obviously couldn't really look at them because I was with Tom, so when I heard there was another one at the start of March I couldn't resist. I have to say, the spring wedding show wasn't as good as the autumn one, there were a lot less exhibitors but luckily still a lot of wedding dresses. Just worth bearing in mind if you are expecting the spring one to be the same, or you visited the spring one and now aren't as keen to go to the autumn show.

After visited almost every wedding dress stand, trying on 3 wedding dresses I still hadn't found one. The panic was starting to set in now, time was certainly against me! We headed towards the two giant tipi's they had set up in one corner (we're having these for our wedding reception) and I started explaining to everyone I was with my vision for our wedding, so exciting!

We then spotted one last wedding dress shop, right in the corner of the NEC hall - was it going to be my last chance?! The wedding dress shop was Sposa Bridalwear, I was instantly drawn to a wedding dress that looks similar to the original one I loved but had decided it was just too much money. Could this be my perfect budget version? I lined up with the wedding dress, waiting with anticipation and slight relief. I had a good feeling about it straight away. When I tried it on it fit surprisingly well for an 'off the peg' wedding dress - no gaping in the chest area and it wasn't too long! The only thing was that it was slightly tight on my hips (some wedding dresses aren't designed with the 'womanly hip' considered!) but that could easily be solved by losing a bit of weight, which I intended to anyway. It was perfect! After spending way too long looking at myself in the mirror I decided to ask how much it would be to buy THAT dress, as I didn't have time to order one. It was all so exciting, the lovely lady said that she'd check with her manager. After what felt like ages the lady came back and said the manager would sell it and it was considerably less than the dress I had originally fallen in love with! They bagged up MY (ahhhh!) wedding dress into one of those dress bags and I tentatively carried it back to the car. I'd love to tell you all about what it looks like but I don't want to risk Tom finding anything out and I'd love it to be a surprise for our wedding guests too!
It's such a relief to have it and for it to cost so much less, we now have more money in our budget than planned - ideal! I now have to try really hard not to try it on all the time, I want it to feel special on our wedding day. I now need to find a veil and other accessories and I'll be sorted for our wedding day. It's all starting to come together, I can't believe it! There's a part of me that it already thinking about how much I'm going to miss being a Bride to Be but for now I'm focusing on getting as many accessories for 'Bride's to Be' as I possibly can :)
How did you find your dream wedding dress?
Feel free to leave me a comment :)

Congrats on getting your dress! :) I'm sure you'll be amazing in it!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! So exciting! I found my dress in the first bridal shop I visited unbelievably. I have a fitting in a few weeks and can't wait! xx
ReplyDeleteAhh I'm too excited for you!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes, Danielle.
Yay, congratulations! It's very exciting finding the right dress - it's such a cliche, but as they say, when it's the right dress, you'll know :-)
ReplyDeleteI found my wedding dress in an Oxfam Bridal Boutique. I'd read an article about their bridal shops when I was about 13 years old and always said to myself, when I get married that's where I'm getting my dress from. I got married 11 years later and there's a shop about an hour from me - we made an appointment, I took my two bridesmaids and we spent a good few hours making a huge mess and trying on everything in the shop! But when I tried on the right dress, I knew that was the one, It turned out to be by designer Ronald Joyce and had only been used once on the catwalk - it was perfect!
Congratulations and good luck for the big day! :-) x