Monday, 16 February 2015

PREGNANCY: 32 Week Update

This week has felt really busy, but I think that's more to do with feeling so exhausted. Everything has felt like so much effort, just like the first trimester all over again but with the added weight of a growing bump. I went for a lovely meal with some work colleagues this week, it was nice to make the most of one of the last times I'll be able to go for a meal with them all before I go on maternity leave and the baby arrives. I'm really trying to value everything that will be harder once we have the responsibility of a baby, like randomly going out for dinner on a Monday night - just because we still can.

I've had a number of seriously uncomfortable days this week, as she's lying right in my ribs! It's the strangest feeling but means that leaning down or sitting in certain positions is just impossible. I've been trying the yoga ball but sleeping has been hard - I just couldn't seem to get comfortable. My back has also been hurting, as my bump is getting seriously big and heavy now! I was kindly sent a Theraline Pregnancy and Nursing Pillow, which I've been finding has made sleeping more comfortable. 

The infamous swollen feet and ankles have made an appearance this week. By the end of the day they are really swollen, which is actually quite uncomfortable as it makes the skin tighter. I have been trying to raise my feet as much as possible, but my job is on my feet all day so it's not easy. Taking my rings off at the end of the day has also become harder - a lot of tugging and twisting needed! Did you find you had to stop wearing rings later on in pregnancy?

My bump is posing logistical issues now, something I've been anticipating for weeks and am surprised it's only an issue now! Putting tights on, painting my toe nails, shaving my legs and leaning down to pick anything up from the floor have become almost impossible - I'm going to need Tom's help any day soon. I'm sure he can't wait to paint my toe nails!!

Every weekend we are busy working on the house, so time for baby shopping has been seriously limited and with no hospital bag ready I was starting to get worried. So I spent sometime on the internet this week, ordering lots of baby items and contents for my hospital bag. It feels so good ticking off things from our 'to get' list! We got the car seat, new mattress for the moses basket, waterproof mattress protector for our bed (don't want my waters breaking to ruin our new bed!), sleep bra, moses basket mattress covers, nappy bin refills, Lanolin cream, aloe vera gel, nursery night light and  breast milk storage bags. A random collection but important nonetheless.

How's your week been?

Feel free to leave me a comment :)

Helen x



  1. Lanolin is the best thing ever. And if you don't use it on your nipples its an amazing lip balm!!!!

  2. I hear you on the uncomfiness! And as for rings I never took off my e & w rings and when I went for my C section they had to tape over them as there was no way they were coming off! Will definitely be taking them off soon I reckon as am 33 weeks at the mo!
    Lauren /

  3. I hear you on the uncomfiness! And as for rings I never took off my e & w rings and when I went for my C section they had to tape over them as there was no way they were coming off! Will definitely be taking them off soon I reckon as am 33 weeks at the mo!
    Lauren /

  4. My boyfriend's getting pretty good at putting my tights on for me now - if we have a girl, he's going to be well practised!

    As for the hospital bag, I sat down to try and figure out what I needed yesterday but it sounds like so many more new clothes - something to give birth in; a nightie for those few hours I'll be in the hospital (all being well...); whatever I can spare from my normal wardrobe to wear home afterwards... I started to feel overwhelmed and decided it could wait a few more days!

  5. Some things really do get quite tricky as the pregnancy progresses don't they? It gets so frustrating when putting socks on in the morning becomes a challenge! Glad to hear you are getting organised and ready, all very important things and helps setlle your mind a little which is the most important thing! Take care and thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays

  6. I am exhausted & not as far along as you are. I am really starting to panic about how I will cope with fatigue later in pregnancy as I normally deal with tiredness as it is. I can't imagine it could get worse than this!
    Your bump is so beautiful by the way :)

  7. Sorry to hear things are becoming uncomfortable. My baby quite likes to stick his/her foot up into my ribs now & again and it is horrible, I try and push it back down but it just goes straight back up!
    I've had to take my rings off using cold water and soap as they were stuck on and I didn't want to risk having them cut off.

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life


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