Monday, 9 March 2015

PREGNANCY: Week 35 Update

Despite being so close to maternity leave I had one day holiday I needed to take, so I booked off last Monday - who doesn't like a long weekend? We decided to make the most of having a long weekend and booked two nights away at a hotel in the Wirral. We used a Red Letter Days voucher that we were given when we got married last year, it looked like we wouldn't be able to fit in a long weekend before April (with renovating our house) but after speaking to friends/family the view was that we should make the most of our time together as a couple. So that's what we did, we went away and it was such a treat, especially as we went away last weekend too! Certainly not what we usually do.

There's no denying it, pregnancy is uncomfortable but this week has been quite a positive one. I think it's because we have a number of things to look forward to, like the decorator coming in to do the nursery, my baby shower is coming up and finally having a tumble dryer so we can wash the baby clothes! There are so many exciting things going on at the moment, it's been a lovely distraction from the aches and pains of being heavily pregnant. 

Having said that my emotions have been all over the show this week, I will feel annoyed for no reason, then hysterical, then on the edge of tears. I've been trying my hardest to control my emotions but those pregnancy hormones are very powerful things! I guess it's preparation for the mass of emotions we'll soon be faced when our little one decides to enter the world. 

Her movements are so powerful now, she can't have much room in there anymore! I love watching my tummy move around, it's true when they say you never feel alone when you're pregnant. I really do love that about pregnancy. 

Tiredness has really upped it's game, the waking up at 4am and not going back to sleep doesn't help either. Travelling to and from work, which is an hour commute, has become challenging and almost dangerous at times, as I'm so tired. I only have 1 more week at work, so not long now. If you're reading this and thinking about when to go on maternity leave I'd highly recommend going around 36/37 weeks, if you can. Any later and I can only imagine how hard that would be, especially if you have a long commute.

I'm so excited to meet our daughter, I really feel like we're on the home straight now! 

How's your week been? 

Feel free to leave me a comment :) 

Helen x


  1. Oh gosh, your pregnancy sounds like mine. I wake at 4am a lot and my hormones are ridiculous! We'll get to meet or baby girls soon though 💜

  2. Wow you really are getting close now! Your weekend away sounds lovely and definitely a good idea to get some time just the two of you! Glad you have been distracted form all the aches and pains and it does sound like there is lots of exciting things going on! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx

  3. Thanks for the tip. I was planning on starting my leave at 38 weeks but recently brought it forward to 36 weeks. I was worried about being bored but am already knackered at 28 weeks. Looking to forward to reading about the baby shower :)

  4. Aw how exciting for you. I had my baby at 35 weeks, and although I had my hospital bag packed, that was all the organisation I had. My baby is 5 months old this week and we only got around to putting up shelves in her room today! Enjoy the last few weeks x


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