Monday 21 September 2015

CHARITY: Hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning

 Last Friday I hosted a Macmillan Coffee Morning (read about preparing for one here) and it went really well. I spent the Thursday before baking away, which is one of my favourite things to do. I was so lucky because Isabella napped in her cot for an hour, so I could bake in peace! Complete heaven.
I completely over baked, as I knew I would but it meant that my guests could take home a goody bag of treats to enjoy later. I made nutella brownies, victoria sponge, dark chocolate tarts, peanut butter bites and baby friendly banana and oat bites. A lot for 6 adults! Some of these recipes will be coming up on the blog, if you're in interested in having a go. 
It was so rewarding making my guests happy with lots of tea and cake, as well as raising money for such an important cause. Macmillan aim to make sure that no one faces cancer alone, unfortunately over 2.5 million people are currently living with cancer in the UK and that figure is only due to grow. Macmillan offer medical, emotional, practical and financial support, as well as campaigning for better cancer care. Personally my family has been affected by cancer and it was a really really tough time, so if there's anyway I can help others then I'm there. Inviting your friends around for tea and cake, in exchange for a donation is a lovely way of helping such a worthy and important cause. 
Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x


  1. How could anyone stay away with a selection as good as this? #MagicMoments

  2. Hi, I also hosted a Macmillan Coffee Morning a few days ago. I was so pleased with the turn out and really enjoyed baking all the goodies. Its such a good cause and something that everyone can relate to in one way or another. Your cakes look yummy!

  3. Wow those cakes look so good! I wish I could bake like this!

  4. Yum, this looks awesome and for such an amazing cause too, well done! Popping over from #magicmoments

  5. Have shared this on my Facebook page. Worthy cause X


  6. Wow! Can't wait for the recipes :)


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