Saturday, 10 October 2015

BABY STYLE: A week of outfits #14

We had our first christening this week, which was so exciting! It was the perfect excuse to get dressed up, spend some time over getting ready and I even attempted a 'fancy' up-do. Wearing heels was interesting though, after over a year of not even putting a pair on I was a little shaky, but no accidents so I'm judging it a success. There won't be a baby style post next week because we're going away for a couple of short breaks, so I thought it would be the perfect time to have a week's break from these posts. So I hope you all have a lovely couple of weeks and we'll be back with Isabella's outfits next week :)

Day 1
Dress - H&M - £5 (similar here)
Stripy pink long-sleeved top - Next - £2
Heart vest - Primark - £3.50 for 7 pack in the sale
Grey tights - Marks and Spencers - part of a set 

Day 2
Cream cardigan - Primark - £4
Star bib - Marks and Spencers - part of a set
Tights - Primark - part of a set   

Day 3
 Spotty t-shirt - F&F Clothing - gift
Pink leggings - F&F Clothing - gift
Floral vest - Primark - £3.50 for 7 pack in the sale
Socks - Primark - £2 for 3 pack

Day 4
Corduroy dress - Mothercare - similar here
Pink cardigan - Primark - £4
Long-sleeved vest - GAP - similar here
Cream tights - Marks and Spencers - as part of a set

Day 5 
Stripy dress - Marks and Spencers - Gift
Purple cardigan - Marks and Spencers - Gift
Navy tights - Aldi - £2 for 2 pack

 Which is your favourite outfit this week?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

 Helen x 

A Slice of My Life Wales


  1. Gorgeous outfits as always, my fave is day one. Love pink and grey together x

  2. I love all these little outfits! My favourite is Day 5. We have those socks from Primark too. They are great quality and have the grips which is great now Baby Girl is walking x #tt_thursday

  3. They are all gorgeous outfits I think day 1 was our favourite, lovely grey/pink combo. Thank you for sharing #TT_Thursday

  4. I am completely crushing on the last outfit. Those Bobux shoes are just gorgeous #TT_Thursday

  5. What a stylish baby, just lovely! I bought Rosalie that star h and m dress too, such a bargain xx

  6. All beautiful as usual :) I'm loving the little Primark socks on day 3 and the t bar shoes on day 5.
    Enjoy your break!

    Thanks for linking with #WhatMyBabyWore


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