It's favourites time again and October has been a very busy month, with two long weekends away, new baby classes and lots of birthdays on my husbands side of the family. Seeing everything turn autumnal has been making me feel all cosy!
1) Free Waitrose Tea - I have a little routine when I go into our
local town, which often includes a visit to Waitrose. Sometimes it's
because we need something but most of the time it's because I fancy a
free cup of tea! If I pick a cup of tea up just before heading home then
it's often the perfect temperature when I arrive home, which is when
Isabella is asleep. So I sit in the car, drinking a hot cup of tea and
checking emails/social media...all while Isabella is sleeping. A very
productive and enjoyable bit of 'me' time, even if I do get a couple of
strange looks!

2) Organising Christmas Gifts - I'm one of those annoying people who likes to buy gifts throughout the year and this year I've taken it a step further and have noted down any ideas I've got for people during the year. I usually just do this in the later months of the year but I was aware that having a baby means time is a luxury! This month I've been slowly digging out all of the presents I've already got and organising them into piles for people, as well as making lists everywhere. Something so therapeutic about a spot of organising.
3) Border Biscuits Danishly Caramel Apple - My Dad bought these on holiday with us and they are so perfect for autumn. They're gently spiced, with small chunks of apple and caramel, something a bit different to your usual digestive.
4) Christmas Crafts - I know it's quite early but everything takes such a long time now that I have Isabella, so I'm trying to be organised. I've not done many Christmas craft activities yet, but I've really enjoyed making a start and stocking up on crafty pieces. I've made gift labels and decided that we are going to have a brown paper and green twine look for gift wrapping. I'm also in the middle of thinking about different craft activities I can involve Isabella in, after all everyone loves homemade goodies!

5) Essie Bahama Mama Nail Varnish - This is the perfect shade for autumn, with burgundy/plum tones. I picked this up for my cousin when we were on honeymoon, but fell in love with it and it never quite made it into my cousins hands! I very rarely wear 'normal' nail varnish nowadays as I always Sensationail my nails, however I make an exception for Bahama Mama.

6) Fancy Dress - Not me you'll probably be glad to know, no I've enjoyed getting Isabella all dressed up for Halloween. We didn't go too overboard, but as we were attending a Halloween party with our NCT friends I bought her a little pumpkin vest/tutu combination. I'm already planning cute fancy dress outfits for Christmas!
7) Doctor Foster - I somehow missed the buzz surrounding the beginning of this programme, so had to catch up on the first couple. It's a gripping drama based around Doctor Foster finding out that her husband has been cheating on her, with many twists and turns. The programmes were so beautifully filmed and the acting was fantastic! If anyone has any other recommendations for similar gripping dramas I'd love to know.
8) Clarins Signature Spa Day at Eden Hall - 'Me time' is almost non-existent in my life at the moment, Isabella takes up all my time. So it was such a treat to visit Eden Hall Spa to try out one of their new Clarins treatments. I went with my husband, so it was the first time we had both left Isabella and spent more than five minutes just the two of us since Isabella was born! I had a full body scrub, body massage and facial, which are all included in the Clarins Signature Spa Day. It was complete heaven and I actually managed to switch off and relax. That paired with a delicious three course lunch and spending time relaxing in the rose scented steam room was just bliss. By 4pm I was ready to go and see our baby though :)

9) Showers - I know this probably seems really strange but we don't have a shower in our house, so going away twice this month to places that had showers was such a treat! Showering is just so much quicker and more convenient when you have a baby. It also makes washing my hair a lot easier, I'm now more determined to get on with renovating the walk in wardrobe next to our bedroom into a shower room.
10) Sparkles & Stretchmarks Blog - Hayley is mummy to two gorgeous boys, Tyne and Noah and was pregnant with her youngest son, Noah, at the same time as I was with Isabella. It was so nice reading about another pregnancy journey, as I was going through mine too. Hayley has also just announced that she's expecting her third baby and I couldn't be happier for her (and slightly sad that I'm not pregnant this time too!) Sparkles & Stretchmarks is a fantastic blog filled with posts covering a variety of topics, including: parenting, lifestyle, reviews, competitions, pregnancy, advice and lots more!
What have you enjoyed this month?
Feel free to leave a comment :)
Helen x
I wish I was that organised for christmas!
ReplyDeleteI've also got Maddie a Halloween pumpkin vest and I had to make a tutu to go with it because I couldn't find any small enough for her! We don't really celebrate halloween but any excuse to dress a baby up!
Melanie | melanie.sylvia
Exactly - I'm about to get Isabella all dressed up as a little pumpkin :)
DeleteHelen x
You are very organised and seem very busy great post thanks for linking to the Binkylinky
ReplyDeleteI couldn't imagine not having a shower would be awful for me! I love showers and only tend to have a bath when I'm feeling under the weather. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky
ReplyDeleteI love that nail polish, it's such a lovely colour! I also love having a free waitrose tea, and usually end up buying a few bits when I'm there, I don't think some of the basics are any more expensive, and it's nice to buy one of their cakes if I'm having people round. Good luck with your crafting, I don't think I'm going to manage much this year... I think little one will be walking soon so that'll be crazy! #thelist
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed doctor foster too! Another drama I discovered is THe Affair... Season one is on Sky go / catch up and season 2 has just started on sky Atlantic channel. It's awesome!! I'd recommend it big time. One of those dramas you can't get out of your head! X
ReplyDeleteOo I'm always on the look out for good dramas - will watch this tomorrow, thank you :)
DeleteHelen x
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ReplyDeleteAh thank you so much for the mention! :) That's so sweet of you! xx