Friday 26 February 2016


Thanks to February being such a short month, even with the extra day we have this year, it's already favourites time again! Isabella turned 10 months at the beginning of February and has really come on leaps and bounds. She's constantly chattering away to herself, to us, to her soft toys and it's the cutest thing to watch. February was also the last full month of my maternity leave, so we've been making the most of every single day. Lot's of trips to the park, a holiday, playing with new toys and enjoying being able to try out new baby classes.

1) Reading books - Well, obviously not 'reading' them, but Isabella has been really into looking at the pictures, turning the pages and choosing her own books. She's been picking them up from her toy corner in our living room, giving the book to me and clambering to sit on my knee so I can read it to her. There's a book all about colours that she particularly enjoys, anything with bright illustrations attracts her attention.
2) Swings at the park - We made quite a few trips to the park this month and Isabella has been absolutely loving it! Our village park is a bit of a hassle to get to because it's in the middle of a field and there isn't a path to it, resulting in our pushchair getting very muddy during the winter months. However the park the our local town is huge and filled with equipment Isabella can explore. The baby swings and the bowl style swing (pictured below) have been Isabella's favourite things to go on, seeing her smile as I swing her backwards and forwards warms my heart. Visiting the park is such a lovely way to spend an hour or so and it's completely!
3) Puzzles - This was one of Isabella's Christmas presents we had stored away for a bit because she had so many exciting new toys to play with straight after Christmas. Since getting the puzzles out she's been repeatedly taking the pieces out, having a quick chew (thank you teething) and trying to put them back in their space. She's not quite mastered the last step yet, but it's a fantastic way to improve her coordination and accuracy. 
4) Monkey Puppet - My cousin gave this to Isabella as he had grown too old for it and she loves it! We play peek-a-boo, waving and chattering away with the monkey puppet and Isabella's face lights up. At the end of the month Isabella learnt to kiss the monkey and has transferred the skill to 'kissing' us - cutest moment of the month. 

5) Homemade Fish Fingers - Isabella is currently going through a phase of refusing to have a spoon fed meal at lunch time, so I've been making meals based around finger food. One of her favourites has been oven baked homemade fish fingers, chips and peas. Watching her individually eat each pea can be a lengthy process though!
What has your little one been loving this month?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x


  1. Aww watching her eat each pea must he fun! lol. Sounds like she is coming along well. I loved watching my little girl reading her books and chattering to herself xx #binkylinky

  2. What a lovely post. It's funny the things that children get attached to. R loves her toy dog and blanket, M brings her daddy's shorts everywhere with her! Those fish fingers look yummy! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  3. Ah my daughter does that too and I read recently that size is a great model for sizing other food substances.

  4. A lovely post the girls love puzzles. Thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  5. What gorgeous photos, it'll be so lovely for you when she's older to be able to look back on your blog and show her posts like this :) Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix
    Stevie x


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