Monday, 7 March 2016

FAMILY: My First Mothers Day

I can't believe that yesterday I celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mother. Mother's Day is usually a pretty hard day for me, so this year it was bittersweet. I was determind to focus on the positives and enjoy the day, especially as it was my first. 

 Giving birth to Isabella almost a year ago has not only been the best thing to happen to us, but also given me a whole new purpose in life. This little baby who relied on me...depended on me...and I was new to it all too. If there's anything I've learnt over the past year as a parent, it's that life becomes one big rollarcoaster. You have the most amazing days, filled with cute/happy/exciting moments and days that are just plain old hard. Tears have been shed, smiles have been shared, moments cherished, but most of all a daily overwhelming feeling of love. 
I can't remember my life before being Isabella's mummy, neither do I really want to. Over the past year I've not once craved time away from her, she is the biggest and most important part of my life. I couldn't feel luckier. Watching her grow, learn and develop has truly been an honour and it makes me so excited for every single day. No day is wasted anymore, everyday has a purpose.
My first Mother's Day began with this amazing breakfast in bed. My husband tried to recreate my favourite breakfast at Bills - Peanut Butter French Toast - and he did an incredible job! Isabella had a smaller version of this breakfast too, which she devoured. A bit later we went for a morning walk in the countryside, so refreshing and the perfect quality family time. My husband packed a flask of tea (but forgot to put the milk in, so we had it black!) and some chocolate treats to enjoy on the walk. These tiny details are the ones that mean the most to me, I was truly touched by the thoughtfulness.
Isabella had a nap when we got home from the walk and we enjoyed yet another cup of tea, this time with milk! In the afternoon my husband had booked a table at Wildwood, so we enjoyed a tasty meal and Isabella actually sat nicely for the whole time...what a Mother's day treat!
I was extremely lucky with the gifts Isabella kindly got for me, again so much thought had gone into them. Tears of happiness were shed. I got a beauitful floral Liberty notebook, personalised 'Baked with love by' wooden stamp, personalised iPad Mini case with photos of our family and a personalised 'Happy 1st Mother's Day Mummy' babygrow for Isabella to wear. In the Liberty notebook I'm going to start a Mother's Day scrapbook, so I can document this special day for years to come.
What did you do on Mother's Day?

Feel free to leave a comment :)
Helen x

Super Busy Mum


  1. Wow, your husband did a really good job! It sounds like it was a really special day for you. Happy Mother's Day x

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful first Mother's day! Well done to your husband! x

  3. Well done Daddy and Isabella, what lovely personal gifts. A perfect first Mother's Day to remember #maternitymondays

  4. Oh wow, you were a very lucky Mummy! Looks like you had a lovely day :- ) #pointandshoot

  5. Sounds like your first Mothers Day was lovely! and your pictures are stunning #PointShoot

  6. This is the cutest mothers day I've ever seen!!! It sounds like it was perfect from start to finish. You're such a lovely mummy, it's so well deserved. That breakfast in bed looks so amazing, and the tea and treats on your walk...its all soooooo perfect! I'm glad you enjoyed your first mothers day. Your gifts are so beautiful. Here's to many more! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with #whatevertheweather xx

  7. Ah it looks like you had such a wonderful day, your presents look amazing. So sweet of hubby to recreate your fav breakfast. Thanks for linking up to #PointShoot (if you could add our badge or link back it would be fab, thanks) x

  8. Aww, that's so sweet! I love your little presents (very thoughtful!) and so nice of your husband to to bring warm drinks and chocolate, that makes a walk perfect in my opinion (although I would have had hot chocolate!). It will definitely be a Mother's Day to remember. Thanks so much for linking up to #Whatevertheweather :) x


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