Saturday, 16 April 2016

BABY STYLE: A week of outfits #38

This week has been a really positive one - Isabella is now eating more and sleeping longer at nursery, I had a good half week at work and filled the other half with seeing friends and family. Sometimes I get nervous about filling up my diary with seeing people because it means Isabella doesn't nap for as long, often resulting in less sleep at night. But this week I've realised I need to change this attitude and embrace everyday as it comes. Recently Isabella hasn't been sleeping well at night whether we go out for the day or not, so why not have a lovely day anyway?! 
Day 1

Floral tights - Mothercare - part of a set
Pink long-sleeved top - Next - £3.50

Day 2
Cord dunagree dress - Zara - £10.99
Heart tights - Primark - part of a set  

Day 3

Floral leggings - Next - similar here
Purple long-sleeved top - Mini Club at Boots - £11 for 3 pack
Orange stripy socks - Mini club at Boots - £5 for 3 pack

How's your week been?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x
This Mama Life


  1. Ahhh nap times! They are a pain aren't they ;) never thought I'd think about my day/plan around my daughters naps but yep, it crosses my mind every day!

  2. Love the little pink pinafore! Yep, I've recently embraced the "if she has a short nap in her buggy it's not a disaster" mindset - her naps seems to affect her overnight sleep less and less these days; she's more likely to sleep badly if she's been cooped up at home than if she's had a rubbish nap.

  3. What gorgeous dungaree dresses! There is nothing cuter than a baby in dungarees. Some fabulous outfits lovely! x

  4. Beautiful outfits, I have a love for dungarees... and also the dungaree dresses now are coming into it! Thank you for sharing #WeekendTotStyle

  5. I really love the heart print denim dungarees, they are so cute. At first I thought the butterfly Shoes were doodles from Clarks, love them too. Some great outfits as always x

  6. Oh I love a good pinafore! These are so cute! I miss having a toddler girl to dress!

    Thanks for linking up to #FunkyKidFriday xx

  7. Looking super cute as always! I love those butterfly shoes. I was terrible when Toby was a baby for staying at home all the time so he could have his naps...and now Gabe is more likely to have a nap in the car or the buggy that at home anyway so we might as well go out! #FunkyKidFriday

  8. It's so nice that you get the best of both worlds with only working half the week. Best Isabella loves her mummy days! I'm loving the pinafore style dresses this week. The heart print on the first one is adorable and the soft Pink of the second one is gorgeous. Lovely outfits petal! Thanks so much for linking up and sorry for the (very) late comment! #weekendtotstyle


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