Today I thought I'd share another 'day in the life' style post. This day was a running errands kind of day, which is usually what one of my days off during the week looks like. We spent most of the day playing at home, with a quick trip into town and spot of baby friendly baking too. These are the most simple days, but some of my favourite.
7.15am - Isabella woke us up and then sat and watched the lightshow on her monitor until 7.30am when we went into her. My husband was working from home on this day, so he got Isabella up while I went downstairs to prepare breakfast. I love this small amount of quiet time to get thing ready for the day, it doesn't happen very often now so I truly treasure it.

8am - Breakfast time. Isabella had melon (though she's not the biggest fan), a berry & oat breakfast bake and some supermarket own brand rice krispies. I've found that the cheapest version of cereals have the least sugar/salt in, which makes sense I guess as those ingredients cost money. We always buy Isabella either the value or supermarket own brand cereals nowadays, she's a particular fan of mini shredded wheats, rice krispies and Weetabix.

8.15am - Recently Isabella has become fiercely independent when it comes to eating. If we even sit near her and she thinks we're going to try and help her eat she starts screaming! So while she was eating breakfast we had a cup of tea and our breakfast - avocado on a bagel was on the menu today.

8.20am - As my husband doesn't start work until 9am I took advantage of his presence by quickly scheduling tweets, replying to emails, joining up with linkies and editing photos. He looked after Isabella while I was doing this, which means that when he does go to work I could enjoy playing with her.

9am - My husband went upstairs to work and we played downstairs. We're still be in our pyjamas at this point because if you can't have a lazy start on your days off work then when can you? Isabella's still obsessed with books, but also loves playing with her doll, wooden ice-creams and empty paint pots from her easel. A random collection I know!

10.30am - Isabella and I went upstairs to start getting ready. I've found that the best way to make the most of nap time is to get ready just before she naps. That way I can get straight on with jobs/work and I don't have to waste time getting ready - I've even been known to put a teabag and sugar into a mug ready to quickly make a cup of tea after she's asleep! Isabella spent this time exploring upstairs while I was getting ready, the way our house is set out means I could see her at all the time. At around 10.50am I was ready, so I gave Isabella her bottle in her bedroom and put her down for her nap. As soon as she was asleep I tidied up the toddler destruction downstairs and got on with some blogging/business admin.

11.30am - After getting lots of laptop jobs ticked off I wanted to bake something for Isabella. This is probably my favourite way to spend her nap time because it still feels like I'm doing something for her and cooking one of my passions. This time I was having a go at creating a refined sugar free cookie recipe, which will be on my blog in the future. I also made some mini toad in the hole, Yorkshire puddings and lunch for us all. Not all nap times are this busy though!

1pm - Isabella woke up and it was lunch time for us all. My husband was on a conference call, so I took his lunch up to him but usually he'd come and join us. Today Isabella had avocado slices, quinoa bite, banana mini muffin, apple slices and mushroom tart. She's not a huge fan of mushroom at the moment so I'm determined to find a way of her enjoying them. When I gave her the tart slices upside down (so she could just see the pastry) she wolfed the whole thing!

2.30pm - After lunch and a bit of playtime we popped into our local town to run some errands. I had to pick up some boring things like nappies, wipes, fruit, as well as a compulsory stop at Costa. They have a new Creamy Cooler menu, which included Caramel Fudge (two of my husbands absolute favourite things) so I couldn't not get him one. I opted for the Belgian Chocolate Creamy Cooler and was given this really handy carrier...I hadn't thought about how I was going to hold two drinks and push a pushchair before ordering!

4pm - After spending some of the afternoon in either her car seat or pushchair Isabella was eager to have a run around. That little girl does not like sitting still! We played in the garden, chatted to the next door neighbour and had a bowl of grapes. I love these carefree moments.

5pm - Dinner time - mini toad in the hole and peas, followed by fruit salad, chopped nuts, cinnamon and natural yogurt. Since starting at nursery Isabella has learnt to feed herself with peas and Yorkshire pudding being two of her favourite foods. This was actually the first time I had given her meat sausages and they went down a storm.

5.30pm - After tea my husband had finished work so we went out into the garden for one last play before bedtime. He's the one who seems to make Isabella laugh the most, despite me doing all the caring during the day! She played on the swing, rolled down the little hill, picked up pebble and posted them into the umbrella stand, watched a bumble bee and chased us around the garden.

6pm - Bath time. As I mentioned in my previous DITL my husband does bath time while I tidy up, get dinner ready for us and take my make up off. At bath time Isabella's beginning to say the word 'duck' and 'quack quack' now, which is just the cutest. While all the cuteness was happening I had a big old pile of washing to put away...oh joy! I then gave Isabella her bottle and put her down for the night, those cuddles at the end of the day are the best.

6.45pm - It was our dinner time, then laptop time, Love Island time and bed time. Our evenings are so rock n roll! I'm trying to spend less time in the evenings on my laptop, but it's inevitable I'll have spend a bit of time because writing a blog, running a business and working all require laptop time to some extent. It also means my husband gets what he wants on the tv, so he's happy!
What's your secret for making the most of nap time?
Feel free to leave a comment :)
Helen x
I love posts like these, probably as I'm pretty nosey! I love your photos-very crisp and clear. This is my first vist to your blog and its lovely xx
I really love these posts too! You really offer Isabella such variety! You Give great ideas as I must admit I'm anxious trying new things with my lo!
ReplyDeleteaww, you are such a good cook! It's really great how you make all those special things for Isabella.
ReplyDeleteI usually leave nap times for me time. Where I can get ready for the day, read a book or play on my laptop.
Posts like this are great, it's always good to be nosey into other people's days :) Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
ReplyDeleteI really like posts like these - I love seeing what others do in a day. I normally take advantage of nap times to do a bit of something for me - blogging or reading and sometimes baking. I find that the evenings are really busy so this is the best time to get some me time in xx