Wednesday, 28 December 2016

GIFTS: What my husband and I got for Christmas 2016

I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas break with far too much food consumed and lots of happy memories made with family/friends. We've had a lovely time seeing both my side and my husband's side of the family and are now looking forward to a few days relaxing before New Years. I thought I'd share some of the presents my husband and I got for Christmas, mainly as gift inspiration as we were so very lucky this year. I find men so much harder to buy for, so hopefully by sharing what my husband got it might give you some inspiration for birthday's/present giving events throughout the year. I'll also be sharing some of the presents Isabella was lucky enough to receive over Christmas too, so keep an eye out for that.

On to  some of the lovely presents I received...

Some of what my husband got for Christmas...

What did you get for Christmas?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x

You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas. You have some great presents - that sweet box is a brilliant idea!



  2. Such a lovely collection of presents! I've had my eye on a light box for a while now, I might have to treat myself, and that box of sweets is such a great idea! x #TheList

  3. I've wanted a light box for ages! I may have to buy myself one :) Happy new year!


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