Sunday, 29 January 2017

PREGNANCY #2: 21 Week Update

Baby has been doing a lot of kicking again this week and guess what? We felt her kick from the outside for the first time!!! I first felt her kick from the outside on the day I turned 21 weeks and then my husband felt her the next day. There are still so many kicks I consider 'big' that my husband can't feel yet, but I'm beyond excited that we both finally felt the kicks.

Bump is certainly getting bigger now and by the end of the day it has doubled in size. I can still wear clothes that make me not look pregnant, believe it or not! Not everyone at work knows I'm pregnant yet, so I have a very limited number of suitable outfits that hide my bump. I was really eager to buy lots of maternity clothes during my last pregnancy, with it being the first time and so exciting. However, this time I'm thinking ahead a lot more and trying to only buy clothes that I think will fit during pregnancy and afterwards too. I even bought this summer maxi dress from ASOS this week, as I will be heavily pregnant/just given birth as the summer months commence. I need all the maxi dresses I can get my hands on!

I'm trying so hard to eat healthily during this pregnancy, as I put on a lot of weight while being pregnant with Isabella. It's been different salads for lunch, fruit for snacks and healthy dinners (which I share on my Instagram if you want inspiration). Don't get me wrong, Isabella and I baked a banana bread this week and we met friends for tea and cake, but on the whole it's important I stay eating healthy. It is making meal planning a bit of a chore, as I search the internet for inspiration. If any of you have meal planning posts then please leave the links below, I'm always in need of inspiration.

My energy levels have almost returned to normal, well 'normal' for pregnancy anyway. For the past few months I've been drained, completely and utterly drained. There were many moments where sitting up seemed to take too much energy, those days were hard to be a parent to Isabella. However, this week I've really noticed my energy levels picking up. In the morning I feel ready to tackle the day ahead, get jobs done and spend many hours playing. By the evening I start to really flag again, but I think that's normal because growing a baby is hard work.

When did your energy levels increase during pregnancy?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x

To follow my pregnancy journey, including lots of photos and daily updates, then why not head over to my Instagram, Twitter or Facebook page? I am always sharing our adventures, pregnancy photos and have even been known to get involved with Instagram Stories!
My Petit Canard


  1. I was the same during my pregnancy, completely exhausted and feeling nauseous at the start, then at about 6 months I had a huge burst of energy. I worked right up until the week before I was due! It's so lovely feeling baby kicking, I miss my bump! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well x #blogstravaganza

  2. Well its a few years ago now as my boys are 8 and 11 now but I remember all the pregnancy so well and especially the birth, I love reminiscing about it:)
    Then I start remembering how tired I was and how when they were nearly due I could barely walk as I was so big and it felt like they were going to come out any second and the rose tinted glasses slip a bit lol. I loved it all and love the beautiful boys they are now:)

  3. Growing a baby is definitely hard work. You're at such a nice stage now, it's so nice when you get past the exhausted bit and start to feel more human again. Hats off to you for healthy eating too! Thanks so much for linking up to #Blogstravaganza, it'd be great to see you again next week xx

  4. The lack of energy is definitely harder the second time round when you have a child to look after/entertain. Feeling the kicks is a lovely milestone though.

  5. Oh, that's amazing to feel the kicks from the outside! I tried with my husband the other day but he just couldn't seem to feel what I was feeling. Maybe next week! So pleased your energy levels are picking up too - I would very tentatively say the same - it's been a long old slog to get to that stage. I'm impressed at your healthy eating, I'm definitely not doing that at the moment!

  6. Ahhh yay for kicks. I had no energy until 20 weeks and then it was okay until 30 weeks and then went down hill from there. Its hard enough the first time so I can't even imagine how tiring it must be the second time around.



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