Monday 27 February 2017

RECIPE: Cheese and Carrot Savoury Bread Pudding

Savoury bread pudding...what?! Now I know it's not the 'normal' way of having bread and butter pudding, but it's a really easy, nutritious meal that is quick to make. I made this for Isabella's lunch one day and served it with broccoli and peas, but you can also let it cool down and cut into chunks for a lunch on-the-go. You could also mix up the herbs/spices, carrot and coriander are a delicious combination. Essentially it's a great 'use up whatever is in the fridge and cupboards' meal. It's cheap to make, good for slightly old bread and makes an interesting different lunch.
What you'll need:
2 Eggs, beaten
Splash of milk
1 tsp Dried Italian herbs
2 Carrots, grated
4-6 slices of bread, depending on size of loaf
20g Cheddar cheese, grated
Black pepper

What to do:
1) Preheat the oven to 180'C. Add the beaten eggs, splash of milk, Italian herbs, black pepper, grated carrot and most of the cheese into an ovenproof dish.
2) Place each slice of bread into the egg mixture, one at a time so you can flip it over and soak both sides. Then arrange the bread slices ready for cooking.
3) Sprinkle the remaining cheese and bake for 15 minutes, or until cooked through and golden.
Have you tried a savoury bread and butter pudding before?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x

My Petit CanardHijacked By Twins


  1. Woweeee this sounds delicious! We're fans of sweet bread but this would be a savoury option we'd like to try. Great recipe x #MarvMindays

  2. This sound soo delicious! #MarvMondays

  3. I have never heard of this and I love cheese and bread like you would not believe! Pinning. So easy :)



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