Wednesday, 26 July 2017

BABY: Bathtime with Minene Mi 1st Bath Buddy

Bathtime is such a fun part of the bedtime routine, but when it comes to bathing babies it can be a bit tricky. They suddenly become so slippery making simply holding them hard work, let alone washing them. When Isabella was a baby I would have a bath with her, it helped with breastfeeding and was the perfect opportunity to have skin on skin during those early months. As much as I would love to do the same with Poppy it just isn't as easy this time. Having Isabella means that I can't just hop in the bath with Poppy whenever I want to, so I needed a solution to this whole 'solo bathing two children at once' scenario. 

This is where the Minene Mi 1st Bath Buddy* (£26) has been a bathtime essential in our house. The cushioned baby bath support is so incredibly soft, secure and safe, providing parents with a supportive environment to wash their babies in. You can place the Bath Buddy in a baby bath, regular bath or even a sink if you have a large enough one. If Poppy was our first child I would have always popped it in a baby bath or sink, however having to wash two children simultaneously means that most of the time it goes in our main bath. As a result I do run a shallow bath because the Bath Buddy doesn't sit very high off the ground. This may sound a problem, but it has been a blessing in disguise. Isabella used to splash so much the water would go everywhere, however now she is a lot calmer thanks to having Poppy in there with her and there's no big splashes soaking the walls anymore! 

The surround of the Bath Buddy is filled with tiny balls (think beanbag texture), which helps to fully support Poppy's head/body, makes it very lightweight and helps it to dry quickly too. The base is a sort of netting, which lets the water through helping to keep Poppy warm during the bath and makes cleaning her easier. It has a fabric loop to allow you to hang it up to dry, but it is worth noting that it will drip after use. I therefore find it best to hang it on the taps in the bath to dry, allowing any excess water to drip into the bath and not on the floor. 

It has made washing Poppy easier and as you can see from the photos Poppy now really enjoys bathtime! The Minene Bath Buddy is available in a range of designs, including a Frankie Frog in Green/Black & White, Pretty Kitty, Playful Pup and Pink Owl. Something for everyone! 

Which animal would you like the Bath Buddy to be available in?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x


  1. Aww, this looks a great idea. I remember how hard it is to try and hold your baby at bath times, this looks a lot easier :)

  2. Such a cute thing for a baby! Much easier than the slippy wriggly baby struggle :)

  3. Wow what a fantastic product I would have loved to have had something like this when our daughter as a baby what a fantastic way to have peace of mind at bath time!

  4. This looks so much more comfortable than the ones they had when mine were small. They were so hard and unforgiving, she looks much more at home in this one.

  5. This would have been so useful when Sophie was tiny - it looks fab! It's also great that it dries quickly x

  6. Bath time is such a fun time and an essential part of our daily routine. This looks like a great product for newborns

  7. What a great product. It's so hard to wrestle with an excitable baby and bath water!

  8. We'd like the pink owl and the Minene Bath Buddy sounds like a great idea!

  9. This looks like such a great idea. I can see a lot of new mums feeling really happy about using something like this.

  10. I love the idea of a bath buddy and how it helps support your bubba in the bath. Plus it is super cute as well x

  11. This is such a good idea as I can't imagine bath time is an easy time especially when you have more than one kid x

  12. I remember really struggling finding something like this. This looks a fantastic product.
    (hubby helping out)

  13. I love the look of this! Poppy looks so happy. Essie still hates baths!x

  14. This is a great idea for a bath accessory. I love the look.

  15. great idea, I could of done with one of these when I had my twins

  16. Aw such a beautiful photo! I think it's definitely important to get a good bath for babies.

  17. This would have been really great to have when my boys were little. I remember what a slippery affair bath times were!

  18. This is great bathing babies gotten a lot easier. Also this is a great gift for newly parents. Thank you for sharing this.


  19. I wish bath buddies were invented when little man was a baby. Looks so convenient! :)

  20. Wet babies have the least friction of anything in the universe. I'm sure this bath buddy helps no end!

  21. What a great idea. I always worried mine would slip out of my grip when they were babies, so this would have been amazing to have.

  22. That looks like a brilliant idea, I hated bathing mine as they were so slippy so this would have made it much easier x

  23. Ooh this looks incredibly cute and sure to make life easier for parents

  24. That's such a great idea. When BattleKid was younger we had a baby bath with support and once I was mostly recovered I too started having baths with him to make things easier. If we were ever to have another baby I'd consider one of these.

  25. What a lovely idea. Mine always loved their baths and this would have made it so much easier

  26. She's beautiful! I loved those first baths taken with my newborn.


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