Babywearing - the practice of wearing or carrying a baby in a sling or in another form of carrier. It has been around for centuries, practised world wide and yet I hadn't really entered the world of babywearing. Two years ago when I had Isabella I was vaguely aware of baby carriers, slings and back carriers. However I didn't know much about it at all, it wasn't something I was particularly motivated to find out more about either. In the first week after Isabella was born I remember a very painful trip to Mothercare to buy a baby carrier when we realised it would be an easier option to the pram for walking around our local area. We picked up one of the cheapest options and to be honest we were happy with our choice. Having barely any knowledge on babywearing and what to look for meant our purchase wasn't a very informed one.
Fast forward two years and I am a lot more aware about the world of babywearing and the many benefits it has. I'm not sure if it has actually got more popular over this time, but it certainly has to me. Every time I was searching websites for baby products on the run up to Poppy being born I would see such a wide range of baby carriers, slings and wraps. The information on how important a baby's position in a carrier also seems to be more widely available. It was something that intrigued me and I was eager to give it a go this time around.

After winning a Fornessi wrap I began watching videos on how to carry a newborn baby in a wrap and at first I was overwhelmed. It looked complicated, but I was determined. So after a few attempts I finally managed to successfully carry Poppy in the wrap and she felt pretty secure. I love how minimal the wrap is and the slightly 'bump' like feel of it - the closest I'll get to still having a baby bump! Poppy sleeps so well in the wrap and it has honestly made life so much easier around the house. Having a toddler and newborn means I'm forever juggling my attention between the two of them, but at least with babywearing I am able to still play with Isabella while Poppy sleeps. It's also easy to sit down while wearing, therefore ideal for wearing to any toddler groups/classes we go to that require me to sit on the floor.

The baby carrier we've been using is the Ergobaby Four Position 360 - Sophie La Girafe - Festival, which we were kindly sent just prior to Poppy being born. This is one impressive baby carrier, with a range of features to make babywearing safe, secure and adaptable. In fact my love for babywearing came from using this baby carrier as soon as Poppy was born. We were also kindly sent the Easy Snug Infant Insert, which is necessary to have when carrying a baby that weighs between 7-12lbs. This has meant that Poppy has felt very secure, snug and comfortable, while maintaining the ergonomic 'M' shape position for baby. That is what I love about the whole Ergobaby range - you know that they have been designed so that your baby is in the correct position to support their hips.

I have been using the Ergobaby 360 almost every time I leave the house because it has a UPF 50+ privacy hood that has been essential during these hot summer days. It has helped to keep Poppy protected from the sun and the fact that the sides of the carrier are open it helps to keep her cool too. The wrap can get very hot, not only for Poppy but for me too, so I've found the 360 is a much better option when going out. I've also found the 360 to be very comfortable and supportive to wear for longer periods of time due to the padded wrap around waistband and shoulder straps.

One of my favourite aspects of babywearing with the Ergobaby 360 is that I have been able to breastfeed while wearing it. It has been a revelation and made life so much easier in many ways. When we go for days out we haven't had to stop so that I can breastfeed, which is just amazing because getting Isabella to stay still anywhere is an almost impossible task. It has also been a bit of a security blanket for me, especially when I've taken both children out at the same time. The main problem I would have from Poppy is that she's hungry, so knowing that I'm able to feed on-the-go means I don't have to worry about finding a suitable place to stop. I've found that wearing shirts or shirt dresses makes breastfeeding in the 360 very discreet, as you just have to unbutton the top half of your shirt and guide your nipple into your baby's mouth. So far I've only breastfed while having the Infant Insert in the carrier because Poppy is too small to not have it. I'll be interested to see how easy it is to do as Poppy gets bigger.

Below I've listed just some of the incredible benefits I've found from babywearing:
- The increased closeness can help to strengthen the bond between parent and child.
- You have two hands free.
- Using a suitably supported baby carrier can alleviate backache caused by carrying your baby for prolonged periods of time.
- Helps to keep your baby calm and at peace.
- Breastfeeding can be done 'on-the-go' and hands free, yet still keeping that closeness.
- Babycarriers and wraps don't take up anywhere near as much space as a pushchair, making them ideal for holidays, days out etc.
- Babywearing can be done almost anywhere - making it one of the most versatile options for transporting your baby around.
- Using a baby carrier/wrap is ideal when visiting places that aren't suitable for a pushchair, such as festivals, quaint towns with small shops, cafes, fairs etc.
There's a beautiful phrase on the Ergobaby's website:
'Babywearing takes our babies back to their safe place- reminding them that we are home, their little bodies pressed up against ours, the beat of our heart right alongside theirs. With babywearing, love carries on.'
This sums up exactly how I now feel about babywearing - I've fallen in love with it. The closeness it brings between you and your child is something so incredibly special and I'd recommend it from the bottom of my heart.
Are you a babywearing convert?
Feel free to leave me a comment - I love reading every single one :)
Helen x
I love the idea of baby wearing and still being able to get stuff done but I was never able to fully trust that my baby was completely secure - I always kept at least one hand on him at all times, which kinda defeats the object.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely a babywearing convert, I've worn both of mine, it definitely makes life so much easier.
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of the sling and still being able to do other things! Looks comfy too :)
ReplyDeleteI loved baby wearing and would still do it if it wasn't for the fact that my 2.5 year old is the size of a four year old :) x
ReplyDeleteHaha - you saw me baby wearing twins when Isabella was born but as you say the incentive is different for you now with two 👍
ReplyDeleteThere are so many second hand sling groups in amazing condition - you can get one for every outfit 😂
Twin sling is my favourite fb group of all times, simply because there's nothing those ladies don't know about slings and baby wearing 👍
I really enjoyed reading thus post. I am a definite baby-wearer with Rex, I didn't really do it with Grace but Rex never wants to be put down so I had to do something! I have a Lumiere 360 which is very similar to this but doesn't need an insert x
ReplyDeleteI used a baby carrier for my youngest and I loved having her close to me. I never ever tried a wrap though.
ReplyDeleteNot kids yet but we've been using traditional African baby wearing gear for years when I used to babysit my cousins and siblings
ReplyDeleteI adore baby wearing, and we have the 360 too. We now use it as a back carrier as our boy is too big for front carrying. It's literally so versatile and one of the best things we've bought!
ReplyDeleteI think that carrying baby while it is still small is very tender and imagine that the baby might like it because it is close to mum. When the baby grows then then it is time to give up on this practice because of possible back issues of the mum.
ReplyDeleteI love babywearing, it's so nice to have them close to you and hands free to go places too
ReplyDeleteI had a carrier with my first two but only used it a few times, with my third we spent out on a good one and have used it a lot, now two and a half he still uses it on my back if we are on a long walk. Great that you can still feed while Poppy is in the carrier too .
ReplyDeleteI did baby wearing with my youngest two and it was a godsend - especially when they wanted cuddles all the time
ReplyDeleteB absolutely LOVED his carriers, I can't say they did much good for my back issues but I kept with it because he loved it so much.
ReplyDeleteI hate that people think of baby wearing as weird, its exceptionally helpful & a lovely way to bond.
I love your pink wrap by the way! I never wrapped I just had a rose & rebellion(i THINK) carrier!
I ALWAYS recommend baby wearing!
Babywearing is just the best! It makes life so simple, saves on packing and hassle, and keeps baby (and mama) happy, who wouldn't want to babywear? That wrap looks great, perfect for newborns, and we love our Ergo. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMy mummy was a massive baby wearing fan was I was younger, she loved her stretchy moby, woven, mei tai and tula x It makes life so much easier and more enjoyable wearing children x
ReplyDeleteI didn't use one for my eldest but after trying one with my youngest I wish I had. I used it until she was to big to carry anymore and I'm glad i did
ReplyDeleteI so wish I had used a baby carrier with Fred I think they look so lovely and there is nothing nicer than snuggling with your baby :)
ReplyDeleteI did not babywear with any of mine but I really wish that I had of done x