Wednesday, 22 August 2018

PARENTHOOD: All the Emotions about my First Child starting School

PARENTHOOD: All the Emotions about my First Child starting School
I've lost count how many tears I've already cried about Isabella going to school and it's not for another year yet. The thought of her spending more time with someone else honestly breaks my heart at the moment; I just can't imagine what it will be like. As Isabella is our first child she is always the one we experience milestones with first, which makes each and every one so much more emotional. By Christmas this year we will have applied for her primary school place and by her fourth birthday we will know where she is going to be spending the next seven years of primary school life. Just typing that makes my heart beat faster and brings a lump to my throat; how are we already here?

Parenthood is filled with ups and downs, but no matter what your children are there by your side. Sometimes being really challenging, whilst other times filling your heart with more love and pride than you think it can take. Over the past three years Isabella has become my little sidekick; the one that made me a mummy and all my dreams come true. The year of maternity leave I took with her was filled with playdates, meeting NCT friends for coffee and learning so much about myself. It really was magical and I'll forever be grateful for that.
We had two special years together, just the two of us, much of which neither of us can remember now. We spent our days exploring new places, baking, playing and visiting friends, all while preparing her to become a big sister one day. That day came in June 2017 when Poppy was born and we almost burst with pride at how well Isabella dealt with the big change. She has grown up over the past year and become the kindest big sister to Poppy.
Isabella is already showing so much interest in school related activities, such as writing, phonics, counting and fine motor skills. She loves nothing more than having a pen and paper to write a shopping list, draw a picture or practice writing her name, so I have no doubt that in a years time she will be ready for school. On the way to the Mums & Tots group we go to each week we pass the village school and she always excitedly says how she'll be going there one day. Every time she says it my heart breaks a little more - how is my first baby already thinking about school?
At this time of year parents minds are filled with thoughts about school supplies, uniforms and school shoes, which takes me back to the excitement of getting everything new at the start of a new school year. Jake Shoes is an independently owned family run business that was set up in 1975 to offer a choice of shoes different from the rest of the high street. They stock a wide range of ladies, men's and children's shoes, including top brands like Ugg, Converse, Lelli Kelly, Kickers and Vans. It's the perfect place to go school shoe shopping, as their website and stores are filled with seemingly endless styles and brands for everyone.
One pair that really caught Isabella's eye was the Lelli Kelly Colourissima Changeable Straps Shoes in Black Patent* (£54.99). The Lelli Kelly Colourissima school shoes are available in a range of style straps, including hearts, stars, bows and butterflies, which is certainly something that appealed to Isabella. After a lot of deliberation she settled on the shoes with a heart in the middle of the strap and I love the idea that when Isabella skips off to school I'll be able to explain that the heart links us still. When she presses it I'll know and perhaps I'll even draw a heart on my hand, so we have matching ones. Another feature of the heart strap is that your child can decorate the heart with the washable felt tips provided, which is such a fun twist on 'traditional' school shoes. However, if you want to save those decorated straps for special occasions then the shoes also come with spare hearts, a plain strap and a bow strap. I love how many options there are when you're only buying one pair of shoes; it would also increase their longevity.
Also included in the shoe box were a couple of free gifts, an exciting touch for me let alone Isabella! A pair of pretty bow socks and a mini child's make-up palette were almost more exciting than the shoes themselves. They really help to make the whole 'getting new school shoes experience' that bit more special and an experience rather than a mundane task.
Isabella felt beyond excited giving the Lelli Kelly Colourisima Shoes from Jake Shoes a test run; she stopped almost everyone we passed to tell them about her new shoes. When children feel proud of their appearance it can help with their productivity and focus, something that is really needed at school. Isabella reported that the school shoes were comfortable to walk and run around in, as well as dancing in! If she's anything like me then she'll spend her break and lunch times making up Spice Girls inspired dance routines with her friends.
Do you have a little one heading off to school in September or in the next few years? How are you feeling about the whole change?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x



  1. I never put myself in my mother's shoes, but I vividly remember how I too was super excited about going to school. It was the first taste of independence and really did help shape the person I am today. It's easy for me to put myself in Isabella's adorable shoes to be honest - although not literally unfortunately. Ha!

  2. Love those cute shoes! We have one going into year 1 in September. It’s such an exciting adventure for them - so as mums it’s really important that we remember to let them go so they can fly 😊

  3. these are so adorable! And I know just what you mean - my littlest is starting school soon and I can't quite believe the time has flown so much! :)

  4. I can't even imagine. I'm so scared about my little one starting school! I've seen these cute shoes advertised everywhere at the moment! They look fab. x

  5. Those shoes look good. I don't have any kids so don't have to worry about them going to school. I don't really remember my first day

  6. On my gosh, those shoes bring back so many memories from my childhood. I swear my mum always bought me these cuties every school year.

  7. It can be difficult when children first start school. My youngest will be starting primary school next and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Love the Lelli Kelly's :-)

  8. It's so funny to me how you guys start school in September!
    Maddie won't be able to start school until 2021! Which feels so far away but I'm sure it will come along quickly!

  9. Its funny you write about this, me and my mother had Afternoon tea this week and she was telling me about my first day at school and how difficult it can be to let go x

  10. My youngest starts school in a couple of weeks. I suspect most of the tears will be from me not her! We tried Lelli Kelly shoes for my eldest but didn’t y get on with them.

  11. What lovely looking shoes, Lelli Kelly are a brand I've heard a lot about. Children starting school is such an emotional time.

  12. Last year before our daughter started year five, she was mega worried about friends as she was being split from them. Not she is in year 6 and she is happy that she is being reunited with them. She can't wait for the leavers hoody they get at the end of year 6. As each child is different, we have had similar instances which your daughter has gone through. I fully feel what you have been going through.

    Thanks for Sharing

    John M

  13. It's a big, big change but I'm sure your little on will embrace school. Those are gorgeous new shoes she has. Mich x

  14. I can't imagine what it is like seeing your first child head off to school, buying that first uniform and those small shoes. It must be amazing but scary and all the other emotions all at once!

  15. The shoes AND the socks make me feel so nostalgic thy both scream first day back to school! Prim and perfect!


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