Tuesday 28 May 2019

PREGNANCY #3: Are we hoping for a girl or boy this time?

PREGNANCY #3: Are we hoping for a girl or boy this time?
Expressing your desire for either a girl or boy in pregnancy is a bit of a controversial topic because of course the main priority is the health of the baby. Our priority is ensuring that our third baby is happy and healthy, but I can't help wondering whether there's a little boy or girl wriggling around in there.

We found out what we were expecting at around 17 weeks with both our first and second pregnancies, both of which were girls. I couldn't have been happier, as someone with very few women on my side of the family I was beyond excited to be bringing two girls into the world. I was also excited to see their relationship as sisters flourish, as a sister was something I had wished for as a child. I have two brothers, so the world of sisterhood isn't one I'm familiar with and it has truly been an honour watching Isabella and Poppy's relationship grow over the past two years. When we found out we were expecting baby number three so many questions and scenarios ran through my head, as our future as a family flashed before me. Then when we came to announce our pregnancy there were a lot of 'are you hoping for a boy this time?' type questions, which I found so interesting.
Personally, I find it so interesting when anyone would predict whether you'd want a girl or boy and I am certainly guilty of doing the same thing in the excitement of pregnancy announcements. Don't get me wrong I certainly don't find it offensive in any way, just interesting to see how other people perceive our family dynamics and how the newest addition is going to slot into place. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I had such a strong feeling I was carrying a boy, which was so strange because I had never had a feeling either way with my previous pregnancies. I think the main contributors to this 'feeling' was the fact that I didn't crave cereal (I did with both girl pregnancies) and the triggers for sickness were slightly different (more motion than bright light). Now obviously every pregnancy is different, so neither of these were sure signs either way but for the first 8 weeks of knowing I was pregnant I was convinced we were having a little boy.

It got me imaging what life would be like with a boy, a son. I don't know anything about raising boys, so it certainly felt like the more intimidating option. After two girls it's fair to say our house is filled with everything any girl could ever need for the first four years of her life, so the idea of bringing a boy into it was both exciting and terrifying. We don't have any boys clothes, we've never changed a boys nappy, we've not got any experience of parenting a boy. A world of the unknown.
Then we had our 12 week NHS scan and referring to the nub theory my gender prediction completely changed and I was convinced we were having another girl. The comfort of a familiar world, but how would adding another girl into the family impact Isabella and Poppy's relationship? They have such a strong bond together and I worried about how another girl would change everything between them. Also, the idea of having three girls during those tough teenage years scared me, not to mention the hormones that would be flying around the house. But then we have everything for girls; we wouldn't need to buy much at all, so financially it would be ideal.

There really are so many different positives and negatives for having either a boy or girl as our third baby; only time will tell which will be joining our family in October. I'm so excited to find out, either way they will be greeted with so much love.

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x


  1. I loved reading this post, and can not wait until October to find out but as you say either way they will be loved no matter what x

  2. I find it odd when people make these comments! I was so happy to have my girls and never once wished our second was a boy.

  3. I think it is natural to have a preference - I had three boys and was convinced that Eliza would be another boy so was over the moon when we found out she was a girl!!

  4. My mummy didn’t have a preference and didn’t find out until I was born! It was a welcomed surprise and everyone is different, just as long as the baby is healthy and happy :)

  5. I loved this post, it's such a great insight into the joys as well as the questions around expecting. I've never experienced this myself but I've seen it with other people so it's great to read a first hand account.

  6. Aw exciting times ahead for sure. Either way boy or girl, it will be a bundle of joy I am sure xx

  7. I'm sure you're very excited to know if this little bun is a boy or a girl. Well, whatever the gender is, that baby is an addition to the lovely gifts you already have.

  8. I am so intrigued to find out now. Can't wait till October:D. When I was pregnant with my daughter I just wanted a happy healthy baby but was secretly wishing for girl. Because I don't have any close friend and my sister lives very far. I can totally understand the sisters bond. It is the most beautiful experience. Now when I think about second child, I also can't decide what I want. A bff for my daughter or a boy to sort of complete a family?

  9. I have four children and knew with each of them what they were. For me, I loved knowing. I was blessed with two girls and two boys :) Kaz

  10. My daughter is expecting her first baby and finds out what she is having in July, we cannot wait!!


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