Sunday 19 December 2021

REVIEW: BabyBjörn Harmony 3D Mesh Baby Carrier

REVIEW: BabyBjörn Harmony 3D Mesh Baby Carrier
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Baby carrying will change your life as a parent, whether you're expecting, have a little one or even a toddler, it will honestly make your life so much easier. When I first became a parent back in 2015 I didn't know how much my life was going to change, but it certainly did, in every way possible. The most simple task became a challenge and every waking hour (and there are a lot of those!) was dedicated to our little bundle of joy. It was hard, a learning curve, challenging, as well as being magical, precious and filled with more love than could ever be expressed. But what I didn't know back then was quite how much of a game changer baby carrying is. 
When we had our first baby we had one of the most simple baby carriers out there, which we barely used and instead struggled to do simple things like make a cup of tea because having two hands free was a luxury we didn't have a lot of the time. Then two years later our second child came along and with the parenting experience we had we knew that we needed to explore options for baby wearing (aka. the only way to have two hands free, especially in those early months). We now had a toddler to look after too, so we started baby wearing and never looked back! 
BabyBjörn are a highly respected brand within the baby world and that is for a good reason; their products are all made to the highest standards, they're tested and designed in collaboration with experts in the various fields needed and every item is functional yet stylish. Their baby range includes tableware, bouncers, travel cots, booster seats, potty training accessories and baby carriers. Personally, I can not recommend baby wearing enough because it is not so special being close to your baby, but it is also practical too. The BabyBjörn carriers are compact, easy to use, comfortable and last for years. Our youngest is currently two years old and we still baby wear on a weekly basis; it's just so convenient.
BabyBjörn have recently launched an exciting new baby carrier called the Harmony in 3D Mesh and in's incredible! The soft structure, ergonomic design and padded support all work together to provide parents with a luxurious feeling baby carrier that not only supports their little one, but is also comfortable too. It is lightweight and compact, which makes packing it into a nappy bag, taking it on holiday or under your pram really easy. I've lost count the amount of times that I've taken one of our babies out in the pram, only to find myself needing to get out the baby carrier because they're unsettled. Taking a baby carrier as an option everywhere you go really does give you such peace of mind. No one wants a screaming baby and not enough hands to push the pram, hold your baby, try to console them etc. 

So what are the key features of the BabyBjörn Harmony?
  • Can be used from newborn (min. 3.2kg) up to approximately 3 years old (max. 15kg)
  • It is ergonomically designed to support your baby's entire body
  • There is a pressure-relieving waist belt and padded shoulder straps to make it comfortable for the adult too
  • Two height positions for optimal comfort when carrying younger babies you use the higher setting and the lower one when carrying older babies/toddlers
  • Four carrying positions - newborn, facing in, facing out and on your back
  • The International Hip Dysplasia Institute has evaluated the carrier as being 'hip-friendly'
  • Made with supersoft, sturdy and flexible 3D Mesh in 100% polyester
  • Can be machine washed at 40 degrees C
The first time I tried the Harmony I noticed straight away quite how comfortable it is, especially as I use it to carry around a two year old. There aren't many baby products that last years because babies grow and their needs change, but it is comforting to know that when you invest in a BabyBjörn Harmony Carrier it will last you up to three years. I use a baby carrier on a weekly basis with Rory because after almost a total of seven years parenting I've learnt that when you find a product that makes your life easier as a parent then it is worth clinging onto. Due to the compact size I'll use it when nipping into a shop with Rory, at the girl's swimming lessons, on the school run, going to the doctors...essentially anywhere that isn't big enough to comfortably or safely manoeuvre a pram around in. Once the world opens up again it will also be coming with us when we travel because again it takes up much less space in the car and as a family of five we need all the space we can get.
The 3D Mesh is so unique and I love how it combines functionality and style to create a luxurious baby carrier that is practical too. Being able to pop the carrier in the washing machine is incredibly convenient with all ages of children and the fact it then dries quickly is such a bonus. In the summer months the mesh material will also help to keep both of us cool, as it has increased air flow.
Overall, I am seriously impressed with the BabyBjörn Harmony Carrier and would highly recommend it to any parent currently looking into which baby carrier to get. It is available in three colours: Silver, Navy Blue (seen here) and Anthracite. At £190 it is more of an investment, but as previously mentioned many parents will pay more than that for a baby item that doesn't have the longevity the Harmony does, not to mention the outstanding quality, ergonomic design and decades of experience BabyBjörn has in creating innovative baby products. 

What is your favourite feature of the BabyBjörn Harmony?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x


  1. I love these carriers as it gives you the hands free option, plus they get to see the world from a different angle

  2. My daughter needs one of these! We were just discussing baby carriers the other day, and this seems perfect. I carried her in a Baby Bjorn long ago! :)

  3. That looks super cosy and sturdy, definitely adapted over the years! They really do make life so much easier when going out with a toddler! Sim x

  4. I used to use a baby carrier for my children. This sounds like a good one. It makes going out and about so much easier.

  5. I love my Baby Bjorn baby carrier, this one looks much more stylish - love the colour

  6. This looks like such a good solid carrier. And I bet it's so handy when it comes to keeping your hands free x

  7. This looks so comfy, I had one for my son 16 years ago, they've come on a lot by now!!

  8. When mine were little we had baby Bjorn carriers and they were always good. It's a name I trust.

  9. The BabyBjörn Harmony 3D Mesh Baby Carrier revolutionizes daily life with its transformative power, enhancing the experience for parents navigating the challenges of raising a child. flsa lawyer nyc

  10. Fantastic review! The BabyBjörn Harmony 3D Mesh looks like a great investment for parents who are always on the move.
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