The question is - does my bump look big in this?! I think my bump looks really big in these photo's, which I guess isn't a surprise as when I took these I only had 9 weeks left. I actually picked this dress up in the JoJo Maman Bebe January sales a couple of weekends ago, not realising it wasn't a maternity dress and is in fact a nursing dress. An added bonus, I can still fit into now and then I can wear it when I am breastfeeding our baby. The design is really clever, it has a double layer that can be lifted up and you can feed your baby discretely and comfortably. Genius. I am starting to think about the type of clothes I'll need for breastfeeding, as I can't imagine I'll have time to think about it when the little one arrives, so this dress is perfect.
Breton Stripe Long Sleeved Dress - JoJo Maman Bebe - £10 in the sale but now available in black for £35 or navy short sleeved dress for £35
Tights - Primark - £3.50
Burgundy Satchel - Accessorize - £12.50 in the sale - similar here
Did you buy many clothes designed specifically for nursing?
Feel free to leave me a comment :)
Helen x
you look soo lovely in this dress, it really suits you!
Lovely dress! I hadn't even thought about clothes to wear while i'm breastfeeding, I'm going to have a look now haha! :)
Gorgeous dress, love stripes and you look fab! I run #fashionfriday over on if you fancy it. Found you on fab Tots100 #styleit