Saturday, 22 August 2015

BABY STYLE: A week of outfits #7

As the weeks go on it's getting harder and harder to get a photograph of Isabella's outfits - she moves too much and is now trying to sit up! We started the week in one of Isabella's most relaxed outfits, her 'comfies' because it suddenly got really cold. Where's the summer this year? I'm hoping September will be nice and warm, so we can enjoy the outdoors together. 

Day 1

 Sweat Shirt - Mini River Island - gift
Grey and purple bird joggers - GAP - similar here
Deer long sleeved vest - F&F Clothing - part of set

Day 2
Fruit patterned dress - Next - £5 (similar here)
Heart vest - Primark - £3.50 for 7 pack in the sale
Navy tights - Aldi - £2 for 2 pack in Baby & Toddler Event
Red polka dot bib - Marks and Spencers - £6 for 3 pack 

Day 3
Navy cardigan - JoJo Maman Bebe -£18
Stripy scalloped tunic - Marks and Spencers -£10
Pink stripy t-shirt dress - Next - £7
Floral vest - Primark - £3.50 for 7 pack in the sale
Pink socks - F&F Clothing - £3 for 3 pack
Floral bib - Marks and Spencers - £6 for 3 pack

Day 5
Penguin bib - Marks and Spencers - £6 for 3 pack
I'm going to start doing 5 days of outfits in these posts because otherwise Isabella will only wear each outfit once, which would be such a shame!
Which is your favourite outfit this week?
Feel free to leave a comment :)
Helen x
The Dad NetworkThe Knott Bump & Us


  1. She always wears too many lovely outfits! Does she ever have a bad day haha. My favourite is day 4 outfit, it's so pretty and girly. I love the other outfits aswell, the sweat shirt jumper reminds me of the old sweatshop jumpers in the 90s. Have a great weekend x

  2. As usual I love all of the outfits! Such a stylish little baba! I think Day 3 is my favourite as I adore that tunic! xx

  3. I have a very uncooperative toddler when it comes to trying to get photos of him, he shouts no and tells me to put my phone back! I love all outfits! Especially her comfies, I love the print of the leggings and that jumpers gorgeous xx

  4. I love them all but day 1 has to be my favourite, love the leggings and sweatshirt look right now on babies and toddlers, so cute!

    Paula ♥ | xo

  5. Some gorgeous outfits! I can't sit still long enough for my mummy to get a good shot! Love the sweater from Mini River Island! #WeekendMiniStyle x

  6. You are doing great at this. I don't put maddie in anything other than a onesie. Its too hard to manoeuvre her little arms and legs into all those other things!
    I really like outfit 1!

  7. Tell me about it! The weather has been super silly this summer. Such a let down after last year. Although in saying that today and yesterday were pretty hot here but's not enough! Wow another week of super cute outfits. Haha, bless you, it's all downhill now for photo taking. Wait till she's a toddler!! I think day 1 is definitely my favourite this week. I love the text sweatshirt! And day 3 is a close second. That tunic is so sweet. Thanks so much for linking up with us again petal and hope you have a great weekend :) x #weekendministyle

  8. Love day 1 and day 3 outfits! Adorable xx #weekendministyle

  9. Gorgeous outfits, I love her style! x #weekendministyle

    Abbie |

  10. Labelling all my clothes (like the sweat shirt) with what they are would really help in the dark early mornings! #bigfatlinky


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