Monday, 12 June 2017

PREGNANCY #2: My Reality of Being Overdue

I honestly can't believe I'm writing this post or that I even have the time to write it; I really thought our second baby would have arrived by now. But despite all the bouncing on the ball, eating spicy food, pineapple and drinking raspberry leaf tea this baby hasn't made an appearance yet. On the whole I feel okay about this, after all life right now is surely a lot easier than life with two children? But it's not all relaxing baths, breakfast in bed and full nights sleep.

It's a funny one being overdue, it feels like there's a social pressure to hate it. That I should be massively uncomfortable, hate being pregnant still and just generally feeling extremely inpatient. If I'm honest this isn't me, despite everyday someone sympathising with my 'overdue situation'. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely when people recognise how I may be feeling, but I'm pleased to say that I'm just not feeling fed up of being pregnant or particularly uncomfortable. I think that fear of life with two children is helping to keep that desperation to meet this little baby at bay; it's going to happen when she's ready.

Having said all this there are some aspects of being overdue that I'm certainly struggling with and as I get further into this overdue world it's not getting easier. The main thing is the 'is this it?' questioning, which feels like an hourly occurrence on some days! I've lost count the amount of times I've told my husband to be on high alert, as I think today could be the day. Only for the pains/twinges to disappear into nothing. Though this is obviously my second labour I feel like I can't remember what contractions felt like or fully understand how labour will start if my waters don't break first, like last time. People keep saying 'you'll know' and they're right, when the time finally comes I'll know because lets be honest...contractions are flipping painful! But that hasn't stopped me feeling unsure and also putting pressure on myself to identify when I'm in early labour quickly, so that my husband can get home in time/someone can come to look after Isabella. The constant questioning of myself is becoming exhausting and frustrating at times, but as I'm writing this I've just been booked in for an induction at 40+12 weeks. In my head I won't be giving birth until then now, though I also know that labour could still spontaneously start between now and then. Oh the not knowing is hard...

Another aspects of being overdue I'm struggling with is the amount of time I've spent on my own and the effect this has had on my emotions. I've mentioned before how much I dislike lots of time on my own; I get bored far too quickly and spend the whole time focusing on that fact I'm on my own. It's not a problem in the slightest when I have Isabella, but when she's been at nursery it's been hard to make the most of the days due to my fear of my waters breaking in public. I know I'll be wanting a day of peace in about two months time, but for now I've had enough of time alone and can't wait to have some family time once she arrives. Even if that means no sleep, smelly nappies and all the joys of post partum life.

Pregnancy hormones are certainly starting to fly around my body now, as on some days I feel pretty out of control of my emotions. There have been a lot of tears for a variety of reasons and I'm looking forward to feeling a bit more level headed again. I keep getting emotional about the idea of leaving Isabella to go and have the baby, feeling guilty that her life is about to change so much and that she doesn't really understand, scared about labour and needing assistance again, worried about how we'll cope with the lack of sleep and a toddler to look after, essentially simply wanting to know that everything ends up ok. I'm sure these are all natural feelings, but as the days pass it only amplifies them and gives me more time to work myself up.

Overall, being overdue hasn't been as horrendous as I thought it would be. I've not been a moaning mess, just an emotional one! It really can't be long now until we meet our second daughter and I for one can't wait.

When did you give birth to your children?
Did you enter the world of being 'overdue'?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x


  1. Your amazing daughter will soon turn up! More than likely at the moment you least expect it!

  2. I'm sure she'll come when she's ready. I don't know what being overdue must be like, my little one decided to turn up early when I was expecting her to be really late. The morning I went into labour I felt like it wasn't really labour and I was just making a fuss.

  3. Your little one will soon arrive! Mine was 4 weeks early, now *that* was a surprise!

  4. Oh my goodness I can't believe you are writing this either! I was convinced I was going to be overdue and then ours came at 37 weeks it's never what you expect is it??! x

  5. It must be so so frustrating for you. I can imagine the anxiety of being by your own at home too. Everything crossed for you.

  6. Ahh despite having 5 babies, I have never gone over due. My eldest was 3 days early, my second 3 weeks, and my youngest three 5 weeks early. It must be SO frustrating but the end is in sight!!

  7. I remember it well! I was 40+7, booked for an induction at (I think) 40+12 and I'd reached the point of resignation: logically, I knew I couldn't stay pregnant FOREVER but, emotionally, I figured my body just couldn't be bothered to do this on its own and there would never be a spontaneous labour. And then there was. I've got my fingers crossed it's not much longer and everything goes smoothly on the day. x

  8. I have no experiance of being overdue as my son decided to make an appearance the day before his due date.she'll arrive when she is ready sending u lots of luck

  9. haha it's amazing isn't it. When my first was two and a half weeks overdue I couldn't wait! I was definitely uncomfortable and I sufficiently winged! This time around I am 5 weeks away and if she wants to come late she can haha I am petrified of what two kids is going to be like!

  10. Not long now!!!! I went overdue and I was so scared about going anywhere in public by myself too. It seems so silly to think that now, but I guess we all need our comfort zones (or people close to us to find comfort in) when we are almost due. You'll definitely know straight away when its the real thing again! It's funny how our minds make us completely forget what it was like the first time around. I hope you have a good week and she comes before your induction! :) x

  11. Aw I am looking forward to hearing when bubba finally makes her way into the world. Fingers crossed you don't have to wait much longer good luck xx

  12. I went 36 weeks with my twins and that was full term for a twin pregnancy. It was hard towards the end to keep moving. You are almost there.

  13. This is the time when woman needs really too much care of her. Thanks for sharing details about the pregnancy time period. Dissertation writing services

  14. I was overdue just over a week with my first. I hated the waiting and was terrified to venture far from home. My second actually arrived on his due date!

  15. Babies come when they are good and ready! Both of mine were just a few days late, 4 and 6 days respectively.

  16. I was late with all 3 of mine and was induced with my last :( I hated waiting, I am very impatient! Then the births all happened so quickly, yay! Good luck!

  17. Your attitude is refreshing and you're right, life is going to flip on its head again any day soon, so it's nice to just take time to enjoy life as you know it! I was two days early, but we'd just moved house so I was hoping not to be early! Haha. I was ready though. I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks and had my first scan at 6 weeks, so I was so eager to meet my boy or girl. Who turned out to be a beautiful boy! Hope the rest goes smoothly for you, lovely.

    Kat x

  18. I was induced at 40+10 and oh gosh I was SO uncomfortable! lol! Wishing you all the best!

  19. You have the right attitude towards this! I hope your little lady comes soon. I have never been overdue but the constant questions would annoy me! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  20. Returning from #TwinklyTuesday

  21. All mine were early so never had the feeling of being overdue but always chuckle at my friend. She had two of hers prematurely and went completly stir crazy when she got to 42 weeks with her son

  22. My daughter was 2 weeks late. The baby will be here before you know it. Just enjoy the moment as you are already doing. Good luck!

  23. I was not overdue, I was a week early, but if I'm honest not something that I would want to face. But if bubbas is not ready not too much we can do, just glad your experience was not as bad.

  24. My first was 2 weeks overdue - it felt like 2 months!! #twinklytuesday

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