Tuesday, 17 September 2013

What are your dreams about the future?


Doesn't every girl dream about their perfect wedding? Well strangely enough I wasn't one of those girls, I was never really interested in what my wedding would be like. I've always been obsessed with proposal stories and that's definitely what I dreamt about. Tom always said that it put a lot more pressure on him but I was always trying to explain that even though I might be dreaming about my proposal I never actually thought about what it would be like! I was dreaming more about when it would happen and that it would be with Tom. However, since Tom proposed I have become wedding obsessed too (never thought I'd say that)! I love anything to do with wedding's, spending hours browsing the Internet and shops for inspiration. Dream's can change and that's alright.
Don't be pushed by your problems..be led by your dreams..
(Photo Credit)

'Dreams' about your future are such a powerful and important part of our lives, after all aren't they the things that help us get up at 6am every morning for work and our focus when we feel lost or worried. Dreams or wishes for the future are very personal and some may never be shared but the ones that are, are often the ones that others can help create. For instance, I used to wish that I had my dream job but perhaps down to a lack of self confidence or worry I wouldn't be able to do it, I didn't 'go for it'. Though after many inspiring conversations with family and friends I started to believe in myself and went for one of those dreaded interviews! After getting the job and completing my first 4 months, I've loved it and definitely have a more positive attitude towards the future of my career.
When I was 16 I really started to think about my future, it's that important time when you start to think about your career, A-Levels, University, life in general. I dreamt that I would be married and have children by the time I was 24. Well I'm 23 now and don't feel as 'old' or 'mature' as I thought I would! Having said that part of my dream will come true, I'll be 24 when I get married next year. I almost can't believe that it's going to be happening and it is quite scary to think how young I really am. Some of my friends got married last year and they were 24, it almost felt like a nice day out instead of a wedding! I think it was because 'being married' is something I still (rightly or wrongly) relate to my parent's and people of their age. The older I get the more my viewpoints change, they will defiantly change next year as I break my own viewpoint and get married at 24!
This got me thinking - does it matter if not all of our dreams come true? However hard some people work their dreams may never become reality. That can be tough sometimes but also isn't that life? If we could always get what we wanted then the world just wouldn't work. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't always be aiming for our dreams, it helps to make us the best person we can be, as well as make others around us happy :)

(Photo Credit)

I'm sure you can think of many times that someone else has helped you achieve one of your dreams for the future? It just shows how powerful we - as a friend, family member, sister/brother, confident, work colleague - are to those around us.


  1. Great post! I know what you mean about having an idea of a career in 6 form, I didn't really - even after finishing university I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. Maybe it makes me a free spirit, or just misguided and lost who knows! But as for my dream right now - it's just to buy our first house!

  2. What a really great post. I'm 3 years out of college and I am now finally in the area of work I want to be in. Dreams are so achievable and if you work hard you will get to where you want to be! Great post :)

    www.squidgymoments.ie xx


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