Wednesday 4 December 2013

BEAUTY: W7 Just Brows Waterproof Brow Pen

 A couple of years ago I would have laughed if you'd told me I'd be colouring in my eyebrows everyday now! It would have sounded ridiculous and completely unnecessary, yet I find myself doing exactly that every morning. It all started when Tom was working in Manchester and I was only working part time, so I could spend many days shopping, having my make up done and generally enjoying a 'lady of leisure' lifestyle up in Manchester! I went to a make up stand in a department store and they used a dark brown shadow on my eyebrows. At first I really wasn't sure, I felt I looked constantly 'shocked' or that I had slugs on my face! But as time went on (and I kept checking myself out in the mirrors around every shop) I became to love the look - who would have thought it! I went to Superdrug to buy a dark brown eye shadow, which I thought would do the job perfectly. At only £1 for the eye shadow I couldn't really go wrong, I used an eye shadow brush and started applying it everyday. I did this for about a year but never did master getting the powder just on my eyebrows and not having to wipe it from the skin around!
The W7 Just Brows Waterproof Brow Pen* (£2.55 from here) is exactly what I've been needing - a precise, dark brown 'pen' that means I'm able to draw on my eyebrows exactly where I want them to be! I tend to just 'colour in' my actual eyebrows rather than make them any bigger/longer; mainly because I don't have a clue how to and more importantly how to make them look nice!
The pen aspect of this product is similar to a calligraphy writing pen, there's a thick and thin end - allowing you to create the look you want. I have especially been using it for the thinner part of my eyebrows, as my eyebrows head out to my hair line. Personally I don't like my eyebrows too dark, so this product is perfect for me and for anyone else who wants to create a similar look.
My eyebrows have been filled in with the W7 Just Brows Waterproof Brow Pen here...
 Do you 'colour' your eyebrows in?
Feel free to leave me a comment :)


  1. ooo these look good, I hate having to sharpen my brow pencils all the time. I just end up wasting money buying new ones all the time!

    Cat xo 9 Lives London

  2. I have to fill my brows in because mine are so gappy after getting a little tweezer happy when I was younger! This looks like a lovely product, looks really natural on you! xxx

  3. WOW! They look amazing! I used to get mine tinted all the time when I managed a beauty salon, they're pretty neglected now but this looks great!

    Katie <3

  4. It seems like a really lovely product but also so very different from a pencil or eyeshadow

    Christina xx


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