Currently most of my time is spent browsing the vast internet for wedding inspiration, with places like Pinterest you no longer have to be naturally 'creative', you can be creative with the help of others. I wouldn't say I was naturally particularly creative but I have taken on the creative side of our wedding and am constantly suggesting new ideas to Tom. We now need to make sure it isn't going to be a mix match of ideas, I need some control and order! When I come across a unique concept for wedding decorations I get so excited (the fact that this wedding process will all be over in 4 months makes me so sad!) Off The Wall is a brilliant company that offer something I had never seen before - decals that can be applied and then removed after the event. These are so perfect for birthdays, proms, weddings, any special events that you want to add a personal touch to. The decals are available in a range of sizes - from big enough for a dance floor to super-mini and favour decals. I love the fact that they are removable, you can apply them to the dance floor at a venue and not worry about damage or it being permanent.

There are a wide range of designs, a lot of which remind me of the art deco period. The possibilities of where you could apply the mini decals are endless - candle lanterns, a vase, centrepieces, wooden board to display etc. In one of our tipi's we're having a fire pit and next to it we're having a large vase full of marshmallows for our guests to enjoy in the evening (thanks to Pinterest for the idea!).

(Photo Credit)
Instead of just using a standard glass jar the Off The Wall Mini Decals Classic Text* (£25 for 4) would add that perfect personal touch, as well as a lasting memory of the day. You can have the different styles with personalised text and colour, so that they completely fit in with the feel of your wedding. Here are the range of colours you can have the text:

(Photo Credit)
Instead of just using a standard glass jar the Off The Wall Mini Decals Classic Text* (£25 for 4) would add that perfect personal touch, as well as a lasting memory of the day. You can have the different styles with personalised text and colour, so that they completely fit in with the feel of your wedding. Here are the range of colours you can have the text:

As you can see, an impressive collection! It's nice that if you personalise something like a candle lantern or vase with Off The Wall Decals, it can become a long lasting memory you can have in your home.
They are relatively easy to apply, not as easy as applying a sticker but not particularly difficult. It did take two of us (Tom's job was to hold the vase still!) to apply the decal but now I now how to do it I could do it by myself next time. This is us putting it on through pictures...
(it wasn't that hard because I did somehow manage to apply it and take pictures!)

The glass vase is from IKEA and cost £17. It's quite large, reaching up to my knee, so plenty of space for loads of marshmallows!
Feel free to leave me a comment :)

I have taken on the creative side of our wedding and am constantly suggesting new ideas to Tom. Apsley and Company Candles