Friday, 9 January 2015

PREGNANCY: Bargains from TK Maxx

After finding out I was pregnant I have been watching YouTube videos, reading blogs and websites to find out the kind of products that can make things slightly easier throughout pregnancy. As with anything, there are plenty of companies who will tell you that you need their product but it's important to decide what you want/need. Every pregnancy is different and you can be sure that everyone and their cat has an opinion on what you need during pregnancy and what is a waste of money. But remember, those kind of decisions are yours to make. Personally, I'm willing to buy anything that is going to make me more comfortable. The only constraint is often the price of products, they can be very expensive and when you're not even sure if you really need it, it's hard to decide what to do.
Buy DreamGenii Maternity and Nursing Pillow Online at
Buy DreamGenii Maternity and Nursing Pillow Online at
(Photo Credit)
One example of this is the dreamgenii Pregnancy support & Feeding Pillow (RRP £45.99). I read so many positive reviews of this pregnancy pillow, it's multi functional and has won a lot of awards, it must be a pregnancy necessity? Then I read other forums saying pregnancy pillows are a waste of money and to just use a normal pillow, what is a women to do? Decide for yourself. For me, I was very uncomfortable at night, resulting in less sleep and therefore feeling worse throughout the day. I felt like I needed a pregnancy pillow, but the price was making me think twice.
Another product I had read so many fantastic reviews about was the Mama Mio Stretch Mark Oil (RRP £27). Creams, oils and lotions that claim to reduce stretch marks are another controversial pregnancy product. Some will say if you're going to get stretch marks then you will, regardless of how many lotions and potions you use. Others, will say that their stretch mark cream/oil/lotion has worked wonders and anyway, what's the harm in using them as a preventative? I'm going with the latter, there's no harm in using them and who knows, they may decrease my risk of getting stretch marks. I also think it's a really good bonding activity, as the father can apply them onto the bump. Again, £27 for a stretch mark oil seemed like a lot - it's not an amount I wouldn't pay but it's an amount I'd certainly think twice about purchasing.

This is where TK Maxx becomes significant, the cut price store helped me make my decisions regarding these two pregnancy products. On one trip I found the dreamgenii for a much more reasonable price of £24.99. I couldn't believe it, that's £20 off and there's nothing wrong with it! On another trip to TK Maxx I found the Mama Mio Stretch Mark Oil for only £7.99, again a fantastic bargain. The only thing different is the packaging, it might be an older packaging design, I'm not sure. But who cares, a discount of almost £20!

I'm certainly keeping my eye out for other pregnancy bargains at TK Maxx and you definitely should too!

Feel free to leave me a comment :)

Helen x


  1. Ooh, that pillow sounds great! I have a cheap but kinda boring super-long pillow and feel like I could do with something for my back as well as my front. Even with a Kingsize bed I feel like it'd take up too much space though. I'd rather have cuddles any day :)

  2. Hi Helen! Great tips on finding the right pregnancy pillow! It's such an essential for any expecting mom. I also wrote about: "How do I choose a pregnancy pillow?" - Thanks for sharing!


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