Wednesday, 23 March 2016

DIY: Easter Inspired Hand printed Leggings

Easter last year passed in a blur of pregnancy, labour and meeting Isabella for the first time, in fact she was born on Good Friday last year. It meant that we didn't get time to eat our body weight in Easter eggs or appreciate all things Spring. So this year I've enjoyed having a much more relaxed run up to Easter and completing a couple of craft projects too. I've written about my new hobby of hand printing baby clothes here and thought I'd create an Easter inspired outfit for Isabella.
I picked up some pink leggings from Next for £2.50, just showing that bespoke outfits for babies and children can be very affordable. For a step-by-step guide on how to hand print fabric then click here, it's seriously easy and quick to do. I often print one side of a couple of pairs of leggings while Isabella's napping and then print the other side once she's gone to bed in the evening.
For these Easter themed leggings I decided to design a rabbit image and cut it out of foam sheets. I find that cutting out the same image twice and sticking them together gives you enough depth to create your own stamp. I then stick those foam shapes onto a wooden block or anything that is firm and flat. I also cut out a carrot shape and used a pen to add the lines across it. You have to press quite firmly for the lines to show up when your stamping, in fact I found it most effective when I used then pen to go over the lines once I had dipped the stamp in fabric paint. Other ideas for Easter leggings are: Easter eggs, chicks, flowers, cross etc. You can either use foam sheets or just a humble potato. Though the advantage of using foam is that you can use the stamp again and again, while the potato will obviously go mouldy.
The fabric paint I used for the rabbits was the Tulip Soft Fabric Paint in Azalea and I used Periwinkle for the carrots. To add the detail to the rabbits I used a cocktail stick/tooth pick dipped directly into Tulip Soft Fabric Paint in Ebony for the eyes/whiskers/mouth and a mixture of Azalea and Glacier White for the rosy cheeks. All of which are available from Hobbycraft for £3 each.
What are your plans for Easter weekend?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x 
Let's Talk MommyMudpie Fridays


  1. I love these, I honestly thoght you had bought them till had a prper read. What a bargain for £2.50 and they look great. A very creative upcycle. Do pop over and join me for Trash 2 Treasure it would fit perfectly. Stopping by today from #sharewithme

  2. Aw love them. My girl has so many leggings its unreal. Love Leggings! My bestie is coming over for Easter but we havent made specific plans yet.

  3. I absolutely love these! I'd like to say I'd do it at home myself, but I don't think they'd turn out so pretty.

  4. They're amazing, they look so professional! I'd definitely buy a pair!

  5. Ah I love this, they are perfect for Easter. Clem lives in leggings and I love the fact that these are one offs. x #FKF

  6. Gosh! You're so clever! These are gorgeous! I bought some letters and fabric ink a few months ago, but I'm yet to use it!

    Thanks for linking up to #FunkyKidFriday xx

  7. I LOVE these, I would seriously buy these off you as they are fab! You should totally set up a business :) Popping over from #funkykidfriday

  8. Oh wow what a fab idea! You made a great job of the leggings! They turned out lovely & festive. Thanks so much for linking up with us! #bloggerclubuk x

  9. That's SOOO cute and you are so creative and talented. I could have never done that this good. I love them. I am really impressed. Thanks for linking up to Share With me #sharewithme

  10. Wow you are so talented! Love these, so cute :) Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x


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