Monday, 9 May 2016

BABY: DIY Handprinted Clothes Lookbook #2

My favourite thing to do while Isabella's napping is to do some more fabric painting (see my tutorial here and Isabella's first handprinted Lookbook here). I can't stress how easy it is, it's so rewarding and relaxing. I've recently started stamping tops for Isabella too, which is a whole new challenge. My latests designs have been slightly more summery, I'm just hoping they'll still fit Isabella when the summer months finally arrive! Everytime I hand stamp a piece of clothing for Isabella I ask my husband which is his favourite so far. It was the strawberries, but after making the colourful raindrops design he changed this mind to those. The colourful raindrops took the longest time to print - over 4 hours (including drying time) so I'm glad they were liked.

 The colours of Tulip Soft Fabric Paint I've used for the following designs are: Turquoise, Azalea, Ebony, Crimson Red, Marine Blue, Periwinkle and Holiday Green.

Colourful Raindrops
(made using homemade stamps cut out from foam sheets)
Watermelon Slices
(made using homemade stamps cut out of foam sheets)
Hot Air Balloons and Kites
(made using a Hot Air Balloon stamp from amazon, Kite stamp from Hobbycraft and handmade cloud stamp cut out of foam sheets)
Sailing Boats
(made using a boat stamp I got free with a magazine years ago)
(made using homemade stamps cut out of foam sheets)
(made using a stamp I made using foam sheets)
I've also handprinted leggings as gifts, so I thought I'd share these designs too and what I used to create them. 

Unicorns and Feathers
(made using a unicorn stamp from Hobbycraft and feather stamp from amazon)
Winnie the Pooh
(made using stamps I was given as a child)
Rockets and Clouds
(made using a cloud stamp cut out of foam sheets and a rocket stamp from Hobbycraft - similar here)
Cats and Thistles 
(made using this cat stamp from Hobbycraft and this thistle stamp from Hobbycraft)
(made using a stamp I made from foam sheets with the detail added using a cocktail stick)
Whales and Boats 
(made using a whale stamp I made out of foam sheets and a boat stamp from a magazine years ago)
Clouds and Stars
(made using a cloud stamp I made out of foam sheets and a star stamp I carved out of a potato)
Whales and Boats
(made using a whale stamp I made out of foam sheets and a boat stamp from a magazine years ago)
 I made this pair of leggings and the shorts below as a gift set for a family member who has just had a baby boy and they have an older daughter.
Whales and Boats
(made using a whale stamp I made out of foam sheets and a boat stamp from a magazine years ago)
I also have some very exciting news - soon I will be selling some of my hand stamped baby/toddler leggings!!! I'll be selling them on Instagram, head over to the page - isabellamaide - and follow to be up to date with when the selling begins!

Which is your favourite design?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x 

I'm linking this post up with brilliant blog posts, TheList, BinkyLinkyPicknMix, Funky Kid Friday


  1. You are soooo good at this! U should open a shop!!

  2. So cute! Do I see a money-making scheme in the offing...?

  3. Oh my goodness!!!! You are so clever and these are beyond cute!!!!! #TwinklyTuesday

  4. WOW! these are stunning - how clever you are. I was trying to choose a favourite but they are all lovely. Thanks for linking up to #sharewithme hope to see some more lovely creations in the future

  5. These are so cute and truly stunning! I love the watermelon trousers, very cute indeed! #ShareWithMe

  6. Wow these really are amazing - and they look so chic too. You should definitely start a business selling these x #sharewithme

  7. You are clever, these all look amazing and If I hadn't read the post I'd have thought you had bought the clothes with the prints on them. #Sharewithme

  8. These really are so amazing - you should definitely sell them if you don't already! I love them all but think my fave is the foxes! #ShareWithMe

  9. These are amazing, such a good idea!! I love the raindrops and the water melons

  10. These are lovely! Very pretty! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  11. That's ace, I want to do this. Great designs, love the whale shorts x #fkf

  12. I love this idea!! What a cute way to make baby clothes more personal :) Love it. You have great taste!

  13. Oh they are so cute! What an awesome idea - I love the raindrops and the boats are so cute too!

  14. Oh wow! I have stamp envy, serious stamp envy... I must have a look into making those gorgeous watermelon ones, although I really like all of those designs! Thank you for sharing and good look with your business venture! #WeekendTotStyle

  15. These are amazing great post thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  16. Oh my gosh these are amazing. I love all of them, it's so hard to pick a favourite! Do they wash well? #weekendtotstyle

    1. They wash really well - very slight fading on the first wash but after that they stay the same :)

      Helen x

  17. How great are these!! I am really struggling to pick a favourite because I love them all. The strawberries are so summery and lovely! Thanks so much for linking up with us, hope you had a great weekend :) #weekendtotstyle

  18. I know you say it's easy, but you are so talented and good at this! Gorgeous :) Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix

    Stevie x

  19. I know you say it's easy, but you are so talented and good at this! Gorgeous :) Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix

    Stevie x

  20. OMG you are so talented. I would buy the rain drops in a heartbeat! They are all gorgeous, seriously open an easy shop now! Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  21. These are sooo SOOO amazing. Sell them on instagram and your website you will be so busy making these. Everyone is after unique leggings and printed tops for their babies at the moment. If my kids were little still I would want all of these. So cute. Very talented. Thanks for linking up to Share WIth Me. I hope you will continue to link up when Mummy Fever takes over. She is an amazing blogger and great blog supporter too. #sharewithme

  22. Wow! You're so clever! These are amazing! I especially love the whales!

    Thanks for linking up to #FunkyKidFriday xx

  23. This is such a brilliant skill! I'd love to do this for my little babe's as it really would be unique but I'd also support your designs if ever you were to choose another career path... x #thelist

  24. Oh my goodness, how cute and how clever? I love the strawberries and the boats #funkykidfriday


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